Why do we stitch?

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Re: Why do we stitch?

Post by maggs »

This question got me thinking of why I actually stitch.

I stitch because I need to keep my self occupied in the evenings, I cannot just sit and watch the tv or I would fall asleep. I restarted stitching when hubby was in the forces and we posted overseas to keep me sane when hubby was deployed and I was home alone when the boys had gone to bed. As money was tight then it also gave a good supply of nice cheap presents, that were easy to post back to the UK. I had a break from stitching for a couple of years.

When I came back I realised how much I missed doing something creative. I am not clever like some of the people on the forum, cannot design my own patterens and if I need to subsitute colours it takes an age and then I need input from others to see if it is correct, but all that aside I do feal a sense of acheivement when I finish a project. Not all fineshed work will get framed or made into something but I donot care I can still look at it.

I gave a suggestion a few months back when some one was asking what to do with fineshed projects and I suggested an albulm, and I am trying to solve how this can be acheived to display my work.
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Re: Why do we stitch?

Post by Angel »

I stitch for the pleasure of it unless it's for a specific reason (ie Caines Birth announcement and Bobs pillow).
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Re: Why do we stitch?

Post by vanessanjf »

I stitch for the enjoyment of stitching and the great feeling you get when you have finished a project. It is such a good feeling that you just have to do more and more!!! :D

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Re: Why do we stitch?

Post by meerkat »

Why do we stitch?
Well, originally because I was in a craft shop with my SIL and saw a pretty little Sea Rocket kit and thought I'd give it a go. I enjoyed stitching it and moved straight onto a Nasturtiums Flower Tile, I loved the colours in it..I couldn't put it down. I discovered it was one stitching medium I could do that looked good at the finish too..I have never been known for my stitching/sewing skills. I also found it relaxing.
My mum would've been proud of me..she was an accomplished seamstress,knitter,etc but my skills definitely laid elsewhere :lol: I wish I had discovered my love of cross stitch while she was alive, I would have loved to stitch her something of her choice,she did tapestry work,and I treasure an Eagle in Flight that she completed after much effort as she was suffering from the debilitation of MS by then.
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Re: Why do we stitch?

Post by Kute Kitty »

Originally, I started stitching out of sheer boredom! I didn't really have any hobbies except reading, so one night when I wasn't in the mood to read I ended up going to bed at something like 8 o'clock for lack of anything else to do. My partner suggested I should try cross stitch because his mum stitches, and loves it, so she picked up a simple little kit for me and I've been hooked since then! Now, I stitch mainly for the sheer joy of it. I do like to have a decent reason for what I'm stitching as well though, if I see something I like I'll immediately start thinking "OK, where can that go"! I saw three little designs of cats in various bathroom poses a little while ago, I loved them but I couldn't justify doing them because our bathroom is entirely tiled and I could envisage ruining my bathroom by trying to put a picture hook through a tile. I really liked them though, so I kept thinking about it, until I realised that the wall between the toilet and the bathroom was bare...I'm working on the first little kitty now!
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Re: Why do we stitch?

Post by Cecilia »

I stitch because I love it and find it relaxing. I also find that when I'm stitching it helps solve a problem that's been bugging me. I always stitch either watching TV or mostly listening to music mainly at the weekends because I work.

I like to stitch things that appeal to me, but like someone else said, if I'm making something for someone else, I try to bear in mind their personality. I'm not a very creative person myself - I can't draw or paint - but I love seeing a design develop before my eyes, I love the feel of the fabric and threads in my hands, and the amazing effects that can be achieved with such a simple little stitch. One day I hope to have time to learn other stitches and types of embroidery, but for now I'm happy with my cross stitch. :D
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Re: Why do we stitch?

Post by Wandatoo »

I posted in another thread the story of how I started with needlepoint after I'd seen it at a craft sale put on by the inmates of a minimum security prison . . . :shock:

Switched to cross stitch many years later, because the designs were more interesting and plentiful.

The idea of creating something I can see and touch, even though I'm not in the least visually creative, appeals to me. Years ago I read an article about why crafts were making a comeback. It said that many of us work at jobs where we can't see a or touch a final permanent product, and it eventually frustrates us. Crafts provide that end product and satisfaction.

I pick designs that appeal to me, whether or not I have a space in mind. That's why I have a drawer full of small finished pieces, suitable for cards or bookmarks when the need arises.

I've learned that while I give many pieces away, I don't like the deadlines involved in making them for specific events. I feel guilty if I stitch smaller things when I should be working on 'the gift'. So I'd rather surprise someone with a finished piece for no particular reason. Then I can take my own time on it.

I stitch mostly at night while we're watching TV and feel it justifies the time spent sitting in front of 'the tube'. I find it relaxing, creative and satisfying, especially when I finish a design. Then it's into the drawer and on to the next! :)

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Re: Why do we stitch?

Post by grub72 »

Why do i enjoy xs let me count the ways lol
1. its enjoyable
2. i love to see the picture come to life
3. i love doing gifts for people
4. it has a calming effect
5. i can get lost in it
6. i love a challenge
7. im always in the mood for xs
8. i cant stop thinking about it
9 i would rather do it then do housework
10. its a reward at the end of a hard days work.
11. i can ignore my children and DH while i do it.
there is more but i might run out of space so this will do,
:) :lol: :ratherbe:
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Re: Why do we stitch?

Post by ohstitcher »

There are a number of reasons why I stitch. I started stitching about 20 plus years ago I thought it looked cool and was easy to do. I did alot of stitching for friends who were getting married and being a student and not having alot of money this was an easy way to give a gift. I bought a few kits and made some pics for me and then I totally stopped stitching for about 5-8 yrs, I don't have any clue why I just didn't stitch any more. Fast forward to last year I had a friend who was getting married and I wanted to make something special for her. It was then that I found out how much xstitch had changed the fabrics and the threads imagine my surprise when I found SILKS omg I fell in love. Then I found HAED and I haven't looked back since. I found my passion again.
I stitch for relaxation and for something to do other than watch TV sure it's on but I keep it on for the background noise. I love watching the picture emege. I took up knitting too and love making things for people I think that giving a gift that is hand made speaks volumes. I love watching their faces light up after opening the gifts and then the question "did you make this for me?" It gives me joy in that.
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Re: Why do we stitch?

Post by freelady »

All of the above. I've only done a couple things that I didn't really like but they were for others so it was a labour of love. Now I do what I love. It keeps me sane.
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Re: Why do we stitch?

Post by karen4bells »

freelady wrote:All of the above. I've only done a couple things that I didn't really like but they were for others so it was a labour of love. Now I do what I love. It keeps me sane.
I'll second that!!
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Re: Why do we stitch?

Post by Granny »

Funny how a comment by one of you brought back my life motto: Crafts, knitting or whatever form my creative bent takes at the time--Yes, currently it is divided between cross stitch and quilting--one fact remains. IT MAY NOT BE CHEAPER THAN MUSCLE RELAXANTS AND TRANQUILIZERS BUT FAR MORE PLEASURABLE. The side benefit is the lovely presents I have been able to give away without having to shop. Unlike most people I absolutely hate shopping. It is now over 40 years since I came to that conclusion and couldn't be more pleased.
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Re: Why do we stitch?

Post by stitchingmae »

Hmm okay. Well like I have said before when I was younger it always look interesting but...I could never sit still long enough to do something like that. I love to read...and for a while this was my hobby. Reading...but I was gaining nothing from it except a full bookshelf of books that I have read once and probably won't read again. I love to read but there was nothing to show for the time I was spending. My hubs and I went out with another couple and she had on a scarf that she had made by hand with loom knitting (kniffty knitter here) and I wanted one I wanted to be "crafty" so we rushed out to walmart to purchase the needed items with hubs in back ground saying..."your not gonna like this" he was right...I mean it was fun...but there is no real Beginner stage to the knitting...there are SO many different types of stitches it was very overwhelming and when the first "blanket" I made I spent 12 hours in one night trying to make this thing...Came out completely wrong (my stitches were different tensions so one end of the blanket was shorter than the other.and the ends roll up to make it look even smaller...) hubby still laughs and calls it my chihuahua's super man cape. I gave up on it. W
At work a woman always has her XS with her or did at the time that I started. It was something she could pick up or put down when we were slow and if we got a patient...something portable and it was amazing to see how the pictures just sprang to life...after a few times of watching over her shoulder and someone else watching over her shoulder. Last christmas she brought everyone a small christmas kit to teach us on. (Oddly enough I am not on of the "in crowds" at work--i really thought that stopped in highschool) but I think she brought them mainly for her favs but didn't want to leave anyone out. I am the only one that it stuck with haha. I was instantly addicted!!

It is so soothing and relaxing I look forward to it when I get home. I only get patterns that I will make to hang on a wall or give someone although I am starting to get a collection of freebies just in case I ever run out of things to do..yeah right. So far I have stitched nothing for my wall. I have made 2 bookmarks one for myself and one for a friend.I made my sisters daisy wall hang and am working on the jiffy project for her...and then i did the egg. My hubs is always saying why don't you make somehting for me you're so good at it..i want to put it on the wall and be able to brag...my wife made that LOL. SO after my sis's project its a bless this home that he picked out...so he will finally have his picture. I see so many patterns that I love but not all of them are practical so i don't do them. It is sort of a time to let my mind just relax and focus on something that is basic not let any worry about work, life, money etc seep in i think it is sorta like therapy!!


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Re: Why do we stitch?

Post by helbel »

I stitch because I enjoy creating a picture.

I'm not artistic or creative, and this gives me an outlet of craftyness. I stitch large pictures to hang on a wall so they do take forever, and as such I pick designs I really love.

The process of stitching is so calming and relaxing and I love working with the thread. Cross stitch appeals to my OCD nature (everything very regular and clear instructions) I take pride in making it all look neat and even.
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Re: Why do we stitch?

Post by Catwoman »

Like many others have said, I stitch because I find it relaxing and I also like creating something beautiful which will last. I also like to keep my hands busy.
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Re: Why do we stitch?

Post by Lizzieh »

I find it very relaxing. And I love starting off with a blank piece of fabric and 'creating' something beautiful from nowhere on it.
I like to stitch pictures that I love but at the same time, having stitched for other people I still get a ridiculous amount of enjoyment out of stitchin a design that I don't really like. I think it is the constant action of the needle that is quite therapeutic.

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Re: Why do we stitch?

Post by Suzanne »

Well, I stitch for pleasure because I found out 10 years ago that at last I have a talent.

I love doing patterns for friends who are in need of cheering up. Or when we have guests over for a meal, I like to do them a special design.

At the moment, the one I am doing is either going to be sold to the lady who gave me the design to do or if she decides not to buy it, we will keep and already know where it is going to be hanging.

My next project is for my husband. So I am very busy and glad of it. :D
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Re: Why do we stitch?

Post by Pengwenn »

I stitch because I like the end result and the idea that I created something. While I'm actually stitching I like it because it's a stress reliever for me. And it keeps me hands busy so I can't rub my eyes when my allergies are bothering me. But that's minor.
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Re: Why do we stitch?

Post by dollystitcher »

I too stitch for the sheer enjoyment of it. :D I am more or less housebound due to mobility problems and stitching is my coping mechanism. :) I stitch lots of different things from small cards too complicated HAEDs and love every stitch. :wub: Some of my projects go out as gifts such as advent calenders and birth samplers for all my grandchildren but the majority (and there is a lot) is stored flat in a large plastic box. I will hopefully be moving into a groundfloor flat or bungalow in the next twelve months and the plan is then to rotate the projects I have in store on the walls of my new home :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Why do we stitch?

Post by Busy_B »

I feel the same way about stitching as a lot of you. As an only child, when I was growing up, there weren't any other kids in my neighborhood since we lived in an older neighborhood. I spent a lot of time doing crafty things and reading. I don't remember if I picked up stitching before or after my mom and I did a tablecloth for my grandparents one year. I've stitched off and on since then, but really picked it back up in high school.

I am not an artistic person--can't draw or paint--so this gives me an outlet (besides the cakes). It also keeps my hands busy. That's usually the one way you can tell I don't feel well--I'm not reading or doing something with my hands. I can also tell when I haven't stitched in a few days because the stress just accumulates.
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