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Cross Stitching???

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 7:32 pm
by estrutter
My mother has been wanting me to get into cross stitching for awhile now. I am hesistant because I just don't see where the fun is at. What is your impression of cross stitching?

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 9:02 pm
by Serinde
Define fun. Cross stitch, in common with any other sort of needlework, can be almost anything you want it to be. It's creative, whether you are working on a kit you've bought or a design you have dreamed up yourself. You can stitch sitting in front of the TV or listening to a CD. You can get together with your stitching pals and have a good gossip and a drink. You have the pleasure of making something you think is beautiful or useful (or both).

It may be that cross stitch in particular isn't going to be your thing. Perhaps you would find tapestry more fun, or you would rather learn any of the other needlecrafts. As you will have noticed looking through this forum, most of us didn't learn to stop with only one!

At the heart of it, being creative is very satisfying. That's where a lot of the fun is for me, anyway.

Lecture over! :shock: :)

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 4:56 pm
by photostitcher
I have to agree with Serinde.

I cross stitch every evening, it helps me forget about the day I have had if it has been a bad one (working in a coffee shop it is always a bad one :) ).

My partner and I watch films together while I am cross stitching.

I have tried knitting and crocheting, but neither have been to my liking. My daughter who is 6 1/2 and myself have also been working on a patchwork quilt.

If you want to try cross stitching then I recommend you try one of the small cards or key-ring kits you can buy in the shops, that way if it is not to your liking then you haven't wasted a lot of money and you have tried it.

Hope this helps.

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 7:12 pm
by Loralou
No one can make you cross stitch if you dont want to! What a weird thing to pressure someone to do that doesnt have any interest it in.

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 10:58 pm
by inuyashagirl
Totally agree with everyone here. I have been stitching for over 20 years now and i find that it relaxes me at the end of a hard day. It can make the bus ride home go quicker or when waiting in a office for an appointment. I find it allows me to express my creative side. There is no better feeling them taking a blank piece of cloth and seeing it come alive. I agree that you should start with something small and something that catches your eye. I learned doing Ukrainian shirts as my first project and thought that was boring at first as you only use 3 colours black red and orange but when i started to see it come alive thats all it took so it can be something as simple as that. Start with a kits though so that you are not buying alot of material that you will never use again if you don't like it. Hope this helps

Debbie in Canada

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 5:05 pm
by Rose
If it is not fun then it is not for you. Find something you can get excited about you will find a craft that you can fall in love with and that is what matters. Your mom means well but she can't make you do something that you can't love.

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 5:41 pm
by Leppette
I also agree with Serinde. I stitch every day too. It helps me relax after the stress of the day. If I want fun then I go tenpin bowling. :D