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Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2021 2:32 pm
by rcperryls
Received this as a pm from Crosstitcher1 and suggested this should be a thread for the forum as quite a few members have worked on afghans. She agreed and to get this started I will copy my reply and her response and then it's open to everyone.


I'm having "major problems" with my afghans. :doh:
They are "all" in 18 ct.
I am working them over 2 threads "after" trying over 1, which IMO looked "too small" on the afghan, compared with 18 ct. fabrics for my other projects I have done over the 38 yr., since yest., 7/25 started my 38th yr. :tizzy:
Since I am working them "over 2" threads, I am "multiplying by 2 my chart dimensions for the "finished look."
The afghan stitches "blocks" are 98 stitches high and 98 stitches wide.
For ex., our oldest granddaughter's afghan is the 4 seasons, with animals and birds to "represent" the seasons.
Winter has penguins and an igloo, which are 2 "separate" charts. Every "other" square has an igloo. The chart size is, 80 sqs. tall and 80 sqs. wide.
On the "size guide", that makes it a 4 1/2 in. (11.5 cm) square over 1 thread.
So I am "multiplying" each 80 by 2, which is 160 stitches and it doesn't say "over 1 or 2 threads", to make it "bigger" on the afghan. Right? :roll:
On the Penguin "chart", there are 3 penguins side by side. The chart is 52 sqs. high and 106 sqs. wide.
Their chart size is 4" x 7 3/4"(10 x19.5 cm) square, and it doesn't say "over 1 or 2 threads".
So again, I would "multiply" 52 x 2=104 stitches high, and 106 x 2 = 212 stitches wide. Right? :roll:
"Between the "top" and bottom of each square on the afghan, has a "small" row of stitches, so it "looks like" they added in case your patterns go "over" the "inside" 98 stitches of each square. :applesauce:
Also, I "normally" loop my threads, so that there's "no tails" sticking out on the "wrong side/bad side" of my projects.
Here with the afghans, I am "tying" me ends "under" the cross-stitches when I "come back" to complete my x.
Also, I am "thinking" of "blending" the snow under the penguins, to make it look like "dirty snow", as they keep "stamping around" where they stand. Would that be a "good idea" to make it a "real look" in nature and using 1/2 stitches "leaning" to the left, again to make it "airy and real look" in nature on the snow. :dance:

GBU and yours.


Re: Afghans

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2021 2:39 pm
by rcperryls
my reply:
I would like, though, if you,don’t mind, putting this in a separate thread for Afghans. Because we do have quite a few members who,have stitched all different kinds. I think you can probably do a copy and paste or if you aren’t sure how to do that, I will try.

Also I would first need to know what type of Afghan fabric you are using. I have used Anne Cloth for a few but prefer Charles Croft Alphabet fabric (the larger size) since it has the 26 squares around the age and the large fabric in the middle which can be used for any size design. I also have stitched all of the Afghans 2 over 1 and like the coverage. I have to look at what you said and think it through when I hve more time, but wanted to rep,y and hope that you will consider my suggestion about posting this in the general forum.

Crosstitcher1: Yes, by all means, post this in the forums. Don't know why I didn't think of it 1st.
2. Yvw on my "compliment".
3. The one for the oldest granddaughter is Leisure Art, Anne Cloth. All the rest are from M.C.G. Textiles, Afgan Cloth.
4. My supply store "never" carried Charles Croft. Her customers "preferred" these suppliers. My store "retired" from their business in 2018. I used Charles Croft for all my other "hand" projects. Do "love" his fabric. :dance:
GBU and yours.

Re: Afghans

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2021 2:55 pm
by rcperryls
Whether you stitch 2 over 1 or 2 over 2 depends on how large you want each of the designs to be. I stitched all of mine, regardless of the design size in 2 over 1. I generally draw the afghan plan in pencil on a piece of graph paper to estimate what design goes where and how much space it will take. It's all assumptions and I have found myself having to either add a design or two or erase a design or two when I actually stitch it. That's why the plan is done in pencil, though erasable ink would work too. I think your calculations are right if you stitch 2 over 2. My afghans generally had smaller individual designs for each of the border blocks and larger designs for the center, but not always. As I become more comfortable with stitching on the edges of the border blocks I have some where I purposely did designs which covered 2 or more blocks. Not sure if that makes any sense. I enjoyed stitching the afghans and actually still have several in my "On hold" list, both of which have HAED designs in progress. The more current Star Wars themed afghan is on hold until colder weather gets here. Stitching an afghan when its 92 degrees out and a door is open (screen door keeps bugs out and cat in) for Rosey to enjoy, as is a door to her catio. Makes my stitching area a bit warmer than the rest of the house most days.

I hope you will post pictures of your progress on the afghans you are stitching.
