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away - UPDATED

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2018 11:27 pm
by nannyrainbow
as familly emergency, back when possible

Re: away

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2018 12:16 am
by Squirrel
I hope and pray that the emergencies are easily taken care of and you are back home and also with us. Here are some :bandaid: to take with you. :wub:

Re: away

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2018 12:19 am
by richardandtracy
Doesn't sound good. Hope the result is OK in the end.



Re: away

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2018 9:42 am
by wendywombat
Thinking of you! Take care of yourself as well! :hug:

Re: away

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2018 11:39 am
by Mabel Figworthy
Hope all will go well!

Re: away

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2018 12:43 pm
by Nicola Main
So sorry to hear this! Hope everyone is OK xxx

Re: away

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2018 3:10 pm
by nannyrainbow
Thank you all for kind messages. And sorry for the scare.

Last night sons went out for celebrations of T de F win , meeting up at their usual sports club. Oldest got home OK but youngest had to swerve to miss a car coming the other way at speed & in process rolled car into ditch!! Emergency services came but it was early hours before they got to hospital. As we are nearest we went to look after GDs. (the GSs at camp). Our DIL phoned from hospital to say a few hours of waiting in A&E. This morning we heard DS had x rays, checks etc. & thank goodness only minor injuries. Dr said he can come home once cleaned up. Needs rest of week off work of course, g& has been given strong medication so we have brought GDs back with us to sleep over until Saturday - DS can sleep when he wants to etc. & DIL can relax too. We'll take them back Saturday afternoon as GSs get back then.

Thank you all but when I put message up we had no idea what was going on & how bad DS 2 was. Thankfully, nothing serious. Other driver to be prosecuted as he went off the road round next bend, lucky for him he had just missed a stone wall apparently. He had to have leg or shoulder/arm plastered not sure which. What a worry for his parents, a young driver. There are often crashes of drivers under 25. mostly showing off to their passengers but this young man was on his own. Could have been a lot worse.

Thank you all for your care & concern. Much appreciated :wub:

Re: away - UPDATED

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2018 4:28 pm
by Garnet
Phew what a relief, horribly scary to get a phone call like that of course, but thankfull everyone involved relatively unscathed.

It certainly shakes you up being in even a minor car crash.

Re: away - UPDATED

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2018 4:33 pm
by country lass
glad all OK, take care of yourselves too after all the worry :wub: Hope your son recovers soon

Re: away - UPDATED

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2018 5:53 pm
by nannyrainbow
Thank you Garnet & Daisy.

He's home now than goodness. Girls spoken to their mum so they are ok about everything. Our neighbour going to take them out tomorrow with her lovely retriever, soft as anything loves playing with children. Popular park a few miles away, nice children's play area there so they & dog can have fun. Sometimes we take her grands there when they visit.

Read on another topic Daisy you are buying butterfly kits. Dimensions have a few I think, they are lovely.

May look towards your area when we start looking for smaller home after hols. We're fairly near border of :Powys & Gwynedd now. Would be nice to settle somewhere not too far away from transport to towns. Really rural places are pretty in summer. BIL used to live in a small hamlet with only 8 houses but 2 pubs, it was a bit spread out & not easy to get places by bus!! Lovely area when his sons were growing up. After 18 months went to a larger town & boys had to attend secondary school.

Re: away - UPDATED

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2018 11:25 pm
by Squirrel
Great relief all round I am sure as it could have been so much worse. Take care now and hope that these few days with the littlest ones is not too tiring.:)

Re: away - UPDATED

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2018 8:30 am
by nannyrainbow
Sorry sems to have blanked this out but 2nd post ok . Don't know how to delete this one :roll:

Re: away - UPDATED

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2018 8:39 am
by nannyrainbow
Thank you Sally. Spoke to DS 2 little while ago. Feeling groggy & sore but painkillers help - shock not fully out yet but he says another few days & he knows he will be feeling better. Girls spoke to him so they are happy.

DH & I get groceries today - girls will be with my neighbour & dog playing in the lovely park. That's makes the big shop easier. Tomorrow we'll take them to weekly street market in another town & they can choose colouring books etc which will help pass time for them. Told them if they behave & weather is wet on Thursday we'll have a carpet picnic in lounge instead of garden picnic so hopefully DH & I get time to relax when they are occupied.

AM knitting granny squares (rather appropriate) :lol: for local animal shelter. Can't cross stitch at moment but definitely will do once girls are back home. Will pick up The Bay ufo & continue stitching that. Next week & week after girls & our GSs go to their other grandparents as planned.

The younger family members really looking forward to camping last 2 weeks of August hols. They're going to Worcester/Cotswolds area this year. As said before the older family members stay at home. We do this every year - its become a family ritual during summer school holidays.

Again THANK YOU ALL for love & prayers..

I'll be back on here in a few days but everything is going well now, thank goodness.


Re: away - UPDATED

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2018 9:20 am
by richardandtracy
Sounds like a lucky escape. Closer than you'd want, but hopefully no long term effects.

All the best


Re: away - UPDATED

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2018 12:39 pm
by country lass
so glad your son is home again. What a huge relief for all the family he was not more badly injured. Hope he continues to make good progress Del. Am going away for a while & hope when I get back he will be fully recovered from his awful accident.