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Mary's First HAED: Whats This

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 6:23 pm
by muguet
Hi everyone!!!

I'm so excited because I finally started my first HAED!!!! :whoop: :whoop: :whoop:
I am stitching up the free chart that HAED released in memory of Cecil the lion. Here is the thread I found it on: ... =4&t=27750" target="_blank
I fell in love with the colours in the pattern and decided that it would be a gift for my mother (her bedroom has a lot of these shades and she loves animals).

I know there is a SAL starting on Sept. 1st but I just couldn't wait...I'm also pretty slow because I'm trying out the parking technique for the first time. So far it's going well, I've been following a Youtube video by Carolyn Mazzeo and she gives simple and clear instructions (" target="_blank). I did my first 10x10 square earlier today and will share a photo after my stitchy time tonight.

Thank you for reading!! :wub: :wub:

Re: Mary's First HAED: Whats This

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 6:30 pm
by lavenderbee
That will be lovely when you have done it. I am sure your mother will be thrilled with her gift made by you. You are brave to do HEAD, they are beautiful & so finely stitched. Look forward to seeing it as you go along :D

Re: Mary's First HAED: Whats This

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 8:16 pm
by rcperryls
:applesauce: :applesauce: Have fun. As you can tell from my signature, I stitch a lot of these and even have completed two (a QS and a mini, but completed). The most important thing to know whether it is a HAED, Golden Kite, Mystic Stitch or a a small design, is first to have fun and second they all are done one stitch at a time. Your mother will love it. Looking forward to your updates!


Re: Mary's First HAED: Whats This

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 4:00 am
by muguet
Thank you for your comments, ladies!!! :grouphug: I am really enjoying this project so far. I feel like it's a nice change from a project where you have to count a lot of blank space as well as a nice break from my small projects.

Here is my progress after two days. I completed 800 stitches and absolutely love the colours. Had a lot of trouble with Kreinik and parking last night but managed to find a thread length that didn't tangle too much or fray.


I wish I could have completed 1000 stitches tonight but I'm feeling quite sleepy! :rain:

Re: Mary's First HAED: Whats This

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 9:00 am
by lavenderbee
Glad you have started this project but photo unavailable I'm afraid. Hope you are able to show us soon :D

Re: Mary's First HAED: Whats This

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 1:20 pm
by muguet
oops, thank you lavenderbee!! Here it is :)


Re: Mary's First HAED: Whats This

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 2:27 pm
by rcperryls
:applesauce: :applesauce: Lovely start and great progress!! Looks like you have found the way to make the Kreinik work too. I love the sparkle! Looks like you are stitching 2 over 2 on this one? I don't see that very often with an HAED and think it looks great!


Re: Mary's First HAED: Whats This

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 3:24 pm
by karen4bells
Fantastic start on a beautiful chart---I will be watching for your updates!!!!

Re: Mary's First HAED: Whats This

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 12:24 pm
by annamarie23
Well done on starting your first HAED! Looks great!! :applesauce: I've just posted into the general board for people to share their experiences of stitching the HAEDs as I've yet to make that leap. I've not done any cross stitch for a while. Will keep a look out on your progress.

Happy stitching!! :wub:

Re: Mary's First HAED: Whats This

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 2:55 pm
by muguet
Carole - I am stitching 2 over 2 since that's what I learned on and have always been more comfortable that way :) I thought of stitching on Aida but the thought of it was a little scary!

Anna-Marie - It's really not as scary as it looks!!! I really recommend watching the youtube video I liked in the first post. It helped me organize my stitching and makes things a lot easier. I also recommend using a good app or to blow up the chart in some way. Double highlighting is essential for projects like these!! Don't hesitate to start one, they're just crosses after all :)

Thank you for all your comments!! Will post another update soon :wub:

Re: Mary's First HAED: Whats This

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 6:40 pm
by AlwaysGoofy
What a nice start. There is something so fun and exciting about starting a new project -- and also finishing a project. It's sometimes the middle part that can get me a little less motivated. However, I've found this forum just what I need when the middle-of-the-project blahs come to visit. I love the colors on this piece. I can't wait for more updates.

Thank you for sharing.

Re: Mary's First HAED: Whats This

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 8:24 pm
by fccs
You've made a beautiful start; I'll be looking forward to your updates.