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Looking for a variety of needles...

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 9:03 pm
by NeedleAndFork
Soo.. I live in a town where Walmart is my one and only source for craft supplies, which means as far as needles go, I can choose between DMC or DMC. I'd like to try out other brands of needles, but with shipping costing what it does, I'd be paying more for shipping than I would needles. Also, I'd love to try a few different brands to find a favorite and then just buy 50 (or even 100!) of that brand in bulk so I can pre-thread all my needles for my HAED.

That said.. is there anyone here who has needles in a variety of brands in size 28 and is willing to part with 1 of each brand? I'm especially interested in John James (regulars and petites) and Bohins since I know I can get those in bulk, but I'd be interested in any other brands except DMC.

I'd be happy to figure out something you want in exchange.. as long as you keep in mind I have limited places to shop at. But I do have a decent sewing fabric stash, and an even bigger yarn stash. Msg me and we can find something that works! :)

Re: Looking for a variety of needles...

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 8:39 pm
by perftangel
I have 3 I can totally part with, size 28 John John's Gold, size 28 Mary Arden (I think, I'll have to look), and a size 26 John James petite if you wanted me to mail them to you. I'll double check the sizes and stuff once I'm home tonight for you. I had also wanted to try a variety so I ordered those three awhile back, but I wouldn't miss one of each. :) I prefer size 26 anyway. You'll have to wait for me to buy some stamps though... I don't have any right now. :(