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Australasia Bingo-with some additions.BINGO !!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 7:09 am
by Squirrel
7I love sharing about the beautiful South Island of NZ so you will get to see a few shots of various parts of it I have been in during my 70 yrs there. Toss in a few of the North Island, then a few from various parts of Aussie and you have the next bingo along with a couple or three I just had to include from other places.

Very many thanks to Ketta and Carole too for helping me with the computer fun so I can get the pics onto here when needed. It made my day being able to do this.

As ever, I will list 30 places, then you get to choose your 10 numbers and PM me with them. I will add the list of those taking part in here and it will CLOSE on Monday 11am AEST (Aus eastern std time) First numbers on MONDAY 26TH AUGUST 7 pm AEST. (a hint 7pm here is currently 9am UK daylight time) The prize is either a $15 voucher of your choice of online shop or a mystery bag from my stash-which is just about to be increased as I spend my winnings !
Good Luck everyone.

1. An icon of Christchurch, old and new.
2. The Avon River
3 Lyttelton Harbour
4 Akaroa Harbour
5. Hope River stopover
6. Lake Tekapo
7 MtCook aka Mt Aoraki
8. Queenstown
9. Coronet ski field
10 Mirror Lakes
11 Mitre Peak at Milford Sound
12 Mt Ruapehu (volcano)
13 A lonesome mountain
14 A Kiwi
15 My favourite bird
16 Ferns
17 The NZ Christmas Tree
18 Halls Gap
19 Mt Arapiles
20 Galahs
21 White parakeets
22 Wildflowers
23 Kangaroo Paw
24 Treetop Walk
25 Jacaranda
26 Poinciana
27 Bats
28 Cane Toads
29 Bridge Over the Atlantic
30 A Squirrel

Enjoy yourselves. :D

Re: Australasia Bingo - with some additions.

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 10:15 am
by millymolly
:) cant wait to see these pictures the choices sound interesting

Re: Australasia Bingo - with some additions.

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 2:06 pm
by rcperryls
What fun! I'm in. Will pm you my choices later today.


Re: Australasia Bingo - with some additions.

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 4:06 am
by Squirrel
A few have signed in so here is the start of the list. some more in this morning.
Good Luck to you all.


Re: Australasia Bingo - with some additions.

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 6:07 am
by wwdiva
Count me in please! I will send you my picks tomorrow!
What fun :dance:
Cheers :toast:

Re: Australasia Bingo - with some additions.

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 12:24 pm
by rcperryls
Picks sent. Can't wait for this one to start!


Re: Australasia Bingo - with some additions.

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 2:07 pm
by perftangel
Yay! I'm in. Just sent my numbers in. :D

Re: Australasia Bingo - with some additions.

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 7:34 pm
by StitchingEs
I'm in! :dance:

Re: Australasia Bingo - with some additions.

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 7:37 pm
by bookknurd
Sent my numbers earlier!

Re: Australasia Bingo - with some additions.

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 8:52 am
by Dragonrider
numbers sent :D

Re: Australasia Bingo - with some additions.

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 6:56 pm
by elementaryteacher77
Numbers Sent! So glad I finally caught a game at the beginning again!! The last 3 or so I have missed signing up for by a day or two!! yay!! Can't Wait!!!

Re: Australasia Bingo - with some additions.

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 12:03 am
by Squirrel
Wow its suddenly Friday morning - where did the week go to!

Well Friends, you only have today and then 2 more days before the first numbers are drawn so if you are still thinking about joining in NOW is the time to act.

So please PM your numbers without delay. :lol:


Re: Australasia Bingo - with some additions.

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 12:18 am
by jocellogirl
Great theme Sally.
I'll sort out some numbers tomorrow.

Re: Australasia Bingo - with some additions.

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 6:27 pm
by Fizzbw
I'm doing it too!

Niki xxx

Re: Australasia Bingo - with some additions.

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 7:53 pm
by jocellogirl
pm'd my numbers earlier :dance:

Re: Australasia Bingo - with some additions.SUNDAY LAST DAY

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 5:24 am
by Squirrel
A lovely group of ladies so far have signed up for this round of BINGO. You only have SUNDAY to SIGN UP. :D :D

Re: Australasia Bingo - with some additions.SUNDAY LAST DAY

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 11:41 pm
by Squirrel
Here is the List of those who have PM'd me. If your name is not on it and you did PM me then let me know asap.

Its Monday morning (8.40am) here in sunny Brisbane and I will be drawing the first numbers this evening. :D

milly molly
Lilac Dragon

Getting exciting now. GOOD LUCK ALL

Re: Australasia Bingo-with some additions. 1st Numbers Draw

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 10:55 am
by Squirrel
Sorry folks for being so late in posting but having problems with the computer, it doesn't want to do what I want it to. :shock:

However, TONIGHT's NUMBERS ARE 8, and 18.

These are (in order) Queenstown and Halls Gap in the Grampians, (victoria australia) if you would like to google them. :roll:

Once I find out what I am not doing right I will post pics and a bit about both these lovely places.

Apologies all.

Re: Australasia Bingo-with some additions. 1st Numbers Draw

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 11:04 am
by Squirrel
OK I think I might have got it. :x:

Number 8 Queenstown (NZ)


OK here is an overall shot of Queenstown, a place I enjoyed visiting and seeing my eldest son who was working down there for a couple of years. It is a small tourist town centre with lots of accommodation, however the cost of living is quite high - as I guess in many other touristy areas.

I was able to have a trip on the paddle wheel steamer SS Earnslaw up to the head of lake, to see the gorgeous job Kevin (DS) and his youngest brother Chris had made of the new floor for the huge shearing shed where the sheep shearing demonstrations were held. It was a large shed/auditorium with lovely golden brown brightly shining floors. An interesting sight.

Visiting various friends of his was always fun, except the drive up to their houses. Most of them seemed to live outside the town on the sides of the mountains with private roads which they had to maintain. Quite scary and I flatly refused to drive myself up to any of them. Fortunately the very dear friends we stayed with were about 10min walk from the centre of town.

Off to get Halls Gap for you - # 18.


This is an amazing little town about a 2 hour drive from Horsham in Northern Victoria (Aus) where Kevin, his wife and 2 children lived. During one of my visits to them we went over to Halls Gap as there was a jazz festival in the town. Our picnic lunch was right beside the lake (the dark bit on the right) before heading into the town where walking was at a snails pace. DIL and GD went to see what was happening at the festival and on the way there, I noticed people across the street looking up into the trees. Being of a nosey disposition I went over and there sitting in the fork of a tree was a koala sound asleep!!! Greatly daring I touched him/her - what beautiful silky fur and oh so huge claws on his feet. DIL had arrived by this time then a park ranger arrived and moved as further away!!
So Halls Gap has stayed in memory as the place I touched a Koala in the wild!!!

I had also been promised I would see plenty of Kangaroos - what a laugh. I had seen plenty of dead ones on the sides of roads as we went between Melbourne and Horsham but no live ones. I eventually saw several in a wildlife sanctuary in Melbourne and saw my first live ones out in the bush 2 years ago out in WA near Toodyay which is north of Perth.

Enjoy. Hope some of you have had numbers come up. :D

Re: Australasia Bingo-with some additions. 1st Numbers Draw

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 11:05 am
by millymolly
the pics that came up on my search look lovely :wub: