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Newbie from North Wales with question about HAED.

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 1:11 pm
by slinky_malinki
Hi everyone. Am new to this site but not to cross stitching - have been 'at it' for years now. Have been utterly transfixed by the HAED designs that I've seen on here. Could anyone please point me in the right direction for buying the charts/full kits? :D

Will post again and put up some of my WIP.

Thank you all in advance and bye for now.

Re: Newbie from North Wales with question about HAED.

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 1:38 pm
by rcperryls
:wave: Hello and welcome from South Carolina. Here is the "infamous" and "dangerous" website link Heaven and Earth Designs. Be careful though. they are very addicting. I started with one in July and I now have 3 active 1 UFO about another 4 or 5 freebies I have downloaded and way too many in my Wishlist with two more seriously being considered for purchase very soon. I am only hoping that I can live long enough to finish them (and that doesn't include the ones I haven't seen yet). This forum will introduce you to lots of other awesom designers as well so be warned. I can't wait to see what you pick and please keep us posted. What have you been working on?


Re: Newbie from North Wales with question about HAED.

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 2:15 pm
by Wandatoo
Welcome from Canada! :)

Re: Newbie from North Wales with question about HAED.

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 2:26 pm
by Cecilia
Hello & welcome. :wavesback:

Re: Newbie from North Wales with question about HAED.

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 2:41 pm
by Genghiscon
Welcome to the board and your new fling with HAED. I'd never heard of the company until starting here at the forum at the end of September and I've already bought two charts from HAED and have a wish list the size of my arm!

Re: Newbie from North Wales with question about HAED.

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 4:40 pm
by crafterglen
You have joined a great forum, lots of 'Haed' cases here! In the U.K. you can order charts from" target="_blank Jayne is lovely, if she doesn't have what you want she will order it. Also" target="_blank the same goes for them and their sister site has the kits. Not forgetting Donna at" target="_blank she is also very helpful. What kind of things do you like to stitch? Haed's are not just fairies and dragons though some of them are amazing.
Happy Stitching
Glen x

Re: Newbie from North Wales with question about HAED.

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 7:37 pm
by Puzzley
I personally have not tackled an HAED yet, I personally like the kits. And feel safe with them!

and a huge welcome from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada!

Re: Newbie from North Wales with question about HAED.

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 7:41 pm
by fiddler
Hello and welcome

Re: Newbie from North Wales with question about HAED.

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 8:09 pm
by slinky_malinki
Thanks everyone for your replies, I've really enjoyed looking at people's in progress stitching and when I find the lead that connects the camera to the laptop I will join in and post mine :oops:

I've had a look around at the HAED designs and have decided to start with the one called "Small Things". There are quite a few that I really like but I'm guessing that this is going to take me a LOT of time :D . I don't really mind how long, the end results of this type of craft always make your chest swell when you look at them finished. Like my dad says "they're works of art".

I've stitched various things over the years such as flowers, birds, Winnie The Pooh, Dreamcatchers, HMS Victory (Father's Day present), Michael Powell designs.

I will check out the links that were posted as well.

Thanks everyone - speak to you all soon :D

Re: Newbie from North Wales with question about HAED.

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 8:34 pm
by MaggieM1750
Not sure if you have already purchased, or if they are having a sale right now.. but if they are full priced and its not something you have to, have to, have to have right now, HAED has frequent sales. About once a month (usually around US holidays) and with Veterans Day today, Thanksgiving at the end of the month, and then of course Christmas not that far away.. she will be having a sale soon if not now.

Re: Newbie from North Wales with question about HAED.

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 10:27 pm
by vanessanjf
Hello and welcome. HAED's are very addictive!! I had never done one before joining here and now I am soon to start another one :)

Re: Newbie from North Wales with question about HAED.

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 2:46 am
by Stitchinkitty
Welcome and beware HAEDs are a health hazard.

Re: Newbie from North Wales with question about HAED.

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 3:07 am
by pattiebelle
welcome from southern california !

Re: Newbie from North Wales with question about HAED.

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 9:27 am
by slinky_malinki
I'm beginning to realise that HAED's are hazardous! I am now in posession of my first pattern. I laid it all out on the floor last night to have a good look and WOW, I'm wondering what I've let myself in for - really, really looking forward to getting all the bits and getting started though. Managed to order the fabric and threads from Ebay and paid £20 less than the complete kit would have cost so am one happy bunny :D . I'm just about to finish my blackwork mermaid 'Marina' by XCalibre. Sorry, not sure how to post any links yet :oops: .

One question - I've noticed on people's HAED photos that they tend to start in the corners of the pattern i.e. top left or top right. I've always started my patterns from the centre, is there a reason why this seems to be the trend or is it just horses for courses?


Re: Newbie from North Wales with question about HAED.

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 9:48 am
by Mrs Milkybar Kid
slinky_malinki wrote: One question - I've noticed on people's HAED photos that they tend to start in the corners of the pattern i.e. top left or top right. I've always started my patterns from the centre, is there a reason why this seems to be the trend or is it just horses for courses?

You can start your chart anywhere you like - I think most HAEDers start at the edge just because it is easier and you can make sure that you have the right amount of fabric and don't have to worry about miscounting! ALso for me as I am right handed starting at the left hand edge means that I am not going over my work once I have completed a page, keeps it tidier/cleaner I suppose - but that's just me!

Re: Newbie from North Wales with question about HAED.

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 1:41 pm
by rcperryls
This thread Posting Pictures into a Thread explains how to get your photos into the thread. Many of us use Photobucket but there are a lot of photo hosting websites around that will work.

I have been starting at the upper left corner for years on almost all of the projects I do. Its easier for me to keep count, I guess. And once I started doing it that way (as opposed to what many charts instructions say (start in the middle) it just seemed to make more sense to me to begin at the beginning. But I know people who swear by the "middle" or the bottom. What I love about cross stitch is that there aren't any real rules so you get to do what feels most comfortable for you.


Re: Newbie from North Wales with question about HAED.

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 2:50 pm
by Serinde
Welcome from the West of Scotland, where your avatar name is held in great cat renown.

Oh the irony of an HAED named "Small Things". :lol: On the site, they do advise you to start from the upper left corner, and I can see it would be easier in lots of ways with such a detailed design, to actually be able to see it taking shape.

Re: Newbie from North Wales with question about HAED.

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 4:29 pm
by rcperryls
ooooo I just looked at the "Small Things" design on the HAED website. It certainly isn't small, but it is so pretty. I can't wait for you to post updates. Are you doing the color version? This one will be fun.

Serinde: Who is slinky_malinki? I loved the name but didn't know it is a famous cat.


Re: Newbie from North Wales with question about HAED.

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 4:55 pm
by Serinde
Ah, well! Just have a gander at Amazon and you will see Slinki with all his pals. My boys loved Lynn Dodd's books, although at the time I think there was only one Slinki Malinki book. Hairy Maclary was another fav. Schnitzel von Crum with the very low.... tum! (not in our house, of course, being full of boys).

Re: Newbie from North Wales with question about HAED.

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 5:08 pm
by rcperryls
Thank you, I did and I'm thinking these will be great Christmas presents for my younger grandchildren. I always get those that are not yet in High School a book as well as more "fun" things for Christmas. They get so weighed down in High School and my one GD who loves to read is now in Graduate School in Library Science. Don't need to get her any. But it is always a challenge to find them something new. I have bookmarked the Amazon page in case I can't find it in the bookstores.
