Angels Second Project

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Post by Angel »

Well it looks like mr froggy will be visiting me again tomorrow... I'm doing the gold of her dress some more and a whole section has to be frogged, but I'm not in the mood to do it yet. I'll show y'all where I am and what needs frogging in just a second.

Oh and by the by, it's snowing here >_> Which would be great if the cameras at work weren't motion sensative. SO MANY ALARMS! I know I wanted to be distracted...but this is going a little bit too far :P

So if you look at the blue and red bit of her dress it's supposed to meet the gold and green and it doesn't so I'm going to have to frog it out...tomorror. It's too late to do it now that I've procrastinated. I found out I'd gone wrong as soon as I started bringing the gold to it, but carried on anyways. The sewing is far more relaxing than mr froggy :ribbit: :frog:

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Post by Jilly »

Maybe we should compose a forum frogging song to help cope with the little green chap :ribbit: :ribbit: :frog: :ribbit: :ribbit: :ratherbe:
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Post by Rose »

That is really to bad you have made such wonderful progress. I had to frog a part of mine the other day. I had a heck of a time getting were the mistakes was made. I finally discovered I had added one to many rows going down in a vey small row. as it turned out to be that I had very little to frog out. I had thought I was going to have to remove 3 days work. But I only had to remove about an hours worth of work. :)
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Post by Angel »

Oooh that's good then. I think I only really removed a couple of hours work myself. It's all fixed now though and looking all the better for it. I thought I'd made another mistake somewhere else but I hadn't. So I only needed to frog that little bit.

And sewandso has come through for me. I now have my missing thread so I can finish the lads skirts ^_^ *loves sewandso*

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Post by ~threadbear~ »

Oh that really is looking beautiful, I just love the gold thread. :wub:
I was looking at some projects in the magazines I have and I noticed they don't seem to give quantities for threads, so how did you work out how much of all yours (with your picture being a magazine project as well) that you would need Angel, or do you just buy so many and then get more as needed?

It's looking great anyhow.
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Post by Angel »

hehe you're right they don't. What I did is just buy a skien of each colour or use what I have left of a skien if it's a colour I already have. I'm prone to buying things on a whim *looks at her fibre castell pens and felt tips* (I only went into hobby craft for a magazine, how I ended up in the art section is a mystery). And I figure if I don't use them all on the project I'll use them on another. But for threads like #435 I knew I'd only need a very small ammount because there's not ver much of it on the chart.
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Post by mags »

This is looking really good 8)

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Post by Angel »

Thank you ^_^
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Post by Jilly »

It's looking great :D
I wish we had a hobby craft nearby, I share a love of all things crafty and arty with my hubby, we will be walking along a line of shops and just find ourselves transfixed by an art, craft or stationers shop :lol:
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Post by Angel »

hehe when I lived with my mom my local stationers and I knew each other pretty well, I was in there nearly every week asking about which pens were better, which paints I should use for a certain look etc My hobby craft is close enough to be useful but far enough for me to not go on a random whim.
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Post by Jilly »

I think Chester or Wolverhampton is our nearest :(
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Post by Angel »

That sucks T_T My nearest is meadowhall. I live in hillsborough So I basically get the tram either on my way home from work, or at the bottom of my hill and it stops at meadowhall retail park where the hobby craft is. So it's not too far.
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Post by Jilly »

Living in a tiny Town can be a pain, it is 30 miles to Shrewsbury, our closest big Town, and Shrewsbury is not that big.
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Post by Angel »

*nod nod* I can imagine. I used to live in a tiny town myself, but as it was just outside the borders of Sheffield it wasn't too bad. Being too far away from Sheffield would kill me though. I love that city.
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Post by Jilly »

It's good to have solid roots, I felt that way about Cambridge, I lived near there all of my School life, I still miss it even after all these years, I get very excited when I see it on TV. If I won a lot of money I would move there, as it is , selling our house would buy a garden shed in that area :roll:
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Post by Angel »

I've been in Sheffield all my life. Most of my family is here, but my boyfriend is in Hertfordshire. So it's looking like I may have to move later in life. I think Jayms is the one. We've been together for three years so if he is, I'll have to seriously consider moving.
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Post by Jilly »

As long as you have family in Sheffield you will still have a strong connection even if you do move.
My Daughter is talking of moving to Chester next year, I am dreading it, but very happy that they will have more choice of work.
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Post by Angel »

Yeah. I love sheffield because of my family ties, but also because of the city. It's got so much in it, and not just permenant fixtures, like there's usually a feastival or fair, or circus, or something going on in the city. I also love how you're never more than a 10 minute walk away from nature. Because it's so hilly they weren't able to build on certain places until recently so even in really urban areas you'll find a little oasis of nature. Not a park, just wild. Left because they weren't able to build there. There's a wood within walking distance of both myself and my gramma and we live cvirtually city centre.

Oh noes. Will you still be able to see her often?
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Post by Jilly »

It sounds a great place to live, a mixture of everything :D
As for my Daughter, I am sure we will see her a lot. we are very close, they even want me to be at the birth of the baby in June, I was with her for Ebony's birth, it was amazing!
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Post by Angel »

:sun: It's a wonderful place. It has a bad rep as it used to be the steel city before Maggie thatcher destroyed it's economy, so it was very dirty and icky and poor as almost everyone lost their jobs and our steel works are still cutting back staff even now, but we've got different things going now and it's really grown as a wonderful place to live. And there's a lot of hills and rivers (Officially 5 rivers and 7 hills, but each river has little bits going into it and our hills have more slopes than just the one too).

Oh that's awesome, and such a lovely name. I think I'd faint seeing a baby born. I hope it's easy for you to stay in touch.
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