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Re: OT: My trip across the Pond

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 7:30 pm
by fccs
wendywombat wrote:
Cotswolds...well, so you go to Bibury. Shame that Burford Needlecraft is's just Wow!!! But Go to Burford and you may just pick up a Bargain!!" target="_blank" target="_blank" target="_blank Burford itself is wonderful, too, although parking can be a nightmare!!! :doh:
On my UK trip almost eleven years ago (oh my, where has the time gone?) we went to Burford twice --- it's just gorgeous. Street parking looked pretty full, but we parked in a parking lot and walked into town (after feeding the ducks). We also went to a wool store in the Cottswolds and bought some beautiful wool and cashmere blankets.

Re: OT: My trip across the Pond

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 11:45 pm
by Carole
rcperryls wrote:Carole , you said we'd be passing near you (how near is near?) I can check with our driver once we are there and see if we will be close enough and long enough to maybe get that cuppa together.

It'd depend on the route that you take, but I'm guessing you'll pass through or near to Birmingham on the motorway. Stratford would be your nearest stop to me and that's about 25 miles according to the husband :)

Re: OT: My trip across the Pond

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 3:53 pm
by rcperryls
Carole wrote:I'm guessing you'll pass through or near to Birmingham on the motorway. Stratford would be your nearest stop to me and that's about 25 miles according to the husband :)
Hidcote Manor and Stratford. Of course Anne Hathaway's cottage. This is a very "touristy" focused tour I would guess. Like I said, I need to win the lottery and I have to start buying lottery tickets if that is going to happen. :roll:


Re: OT: My trip across the Pond

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 3:26 pm
by fccs
Your trip is getting CLOSE! Are you as excited as I am for you? :-) I received an email awhile ago from a local travel agency who is doing that same itinerary through a senior citizen center nearby. I think they're going around September...boy was I tempted! My son and daughter-in-law are spending nine days in London next month...I'm feeling pretty jealous of all of you. :-)

Re: OT: My trip across the Pond

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 4:02 pm
by rcperryls
I am going nuts with all the last minute crazy stuff, like getting all the stuff the kitties will need while being at the vet and preparing for all the plotting they will do deciding how to pay me back, figuring out how much is not too much to take, calling the credit card companies and leaving all the copies of stuff for my daughter who will be staying here with David. It is a kind of a break for him too since he won't be home and he has never stayed here because he is phobic (seriously phobic) about dogs and cats. He comes for short stays and we put them in the bedroom and put a gate in front of the door (in case they opened it from the inside) but even when his Dad was alive and as much as he loved him, he wouldn't stay. I hope that it isn't going to be too hard on him because he still misses him so much. Sorry I went off on a tangent. But I am glad that they will be here while I'm gone.

Other than a few cruises and a trip long long ago to Acapulco, I have never been out of the country (not even to Canada) so this is an adventure for sure. Of course I will have my phone and iPad so though I am unlikely to be posting much of anything, I might take a quick peek now and then.


Re: OT: My trip across the Pond

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 10:17 pm
by Carole
I'm sure you're going to have a fabulous time. It's always great to have an adventure :)

Re: OT: My trip across the Pond

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 8:30 am
by lavenderbee
Wishing you safe journeys & look forward to hearing all about your holiday in UK when you get back, along with pix if possible please. Would love to see them. In North Wales people often go to Llandudno &/or Conwy as well as Snowdonia on this type of holiday so look forward to hearing your views on this part of the UK. Enjoy the whole trip & take care :whoop: :whoop: :D

Re: OT: My trip across the Pond

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 9:32 am
by wendywombat
Don't panic about the cats/daughter/SIL....all will be Fine!
Don't panic about what you have/haven't remembered to take! UK does sell deodorant and asprin!(and spare underwear!!! :wink: )

Enjoy! Enjoy And Enjoy!! :whoop: :whoop: :hug:

Re: OT: My trip across the Pond

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 12:53 pm
by Serinde
Wendy's right! We do have shops. Even very nice shops (and remember, for some items like wools, sweaters, etc., you might be able to subtract VAT from the ticket price!). Just relax and enjoy yourself. :gift:

Re: OT: My trip across the Pond

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 12:56 pm
by LastingAllure
Carole, I am SOOOO jealous you get to do this.

I hope you have lots of fun and take in all that the UK has to offer. All of that history and culture stuffed into a small island compared to North America.

It will be fun! And you can pick up anything you forgot to pack there lol.

Re: OT: My trip across the Pond

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 1:33 pm
by rcperryls
:oops: :oops: :oops: Of course I know that y'all have shops (why do you think I increased the max on one of my credit cards?) but I'd rather spend it on gifts (son wants a Paddington bear. Loved the movie, but then I read all the books when I was in college) and fun things than deodorant. If I didn't have my usual trepidations, it wouldn't be me. :tizzy: :tizzy:. And I know my fur babies will be well taken care of. But at 16 (this month) years old, and with their medical issues, I can't but help be worried. Easier to worry about packing than about them.

I already have some British £ so I'm ready to spend. (AAA does currency exchanges with minimum charge, for any in the US who are traveling out of the country).


Re: OT: My trip across the Pond

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 5:18 pm
by fiddler
HI carole I have sent you another pm Ann

Re: OT: My trip across the Pond

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 8:32 pm
by jocellogirl
Crikey Carole, I didn't realise your trip was imminent!! How exciting. The girls and I would love to meet up with you if you can fit us in. I'm sure we can pay a cultural trip to Stratford in on Sunday 29th March, as the girls have never been. I'll pm you my phone numbers and email address if you want to get in touch.
Enjoy your trip :airplane: :driving: :camera: :cold: :rainbow:

Re: OT: My trip across the Pond

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 1:54 am
by tiffstitch
I hope you have a fabulous time!! :whoop: :whoop:

Re: OT: My trip across the Pond

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 7:59 am
by wendywombat
:camera: :camera: pictures pictures...we shall want pictures! 8) 8)

Re: OT: My trip across the Pond

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 12:17 pm
by rcperryls

In the meantime I am at my cousins house in New Jersey with a prediction of 3 - 5 inches of snow today. Fortunately, it should be 50 degrees F tomorrow when we go into New York. Have to keep them out till 5 for everyone to arrive for the surprise party
:camera: :snowman:


Re: OT: My trip across the Pond

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 1:49 pm
by LadyS
How exciting, Carole!!! Hope you have a fantastic time! :whoop:

Re: OT: My trip across the Pond

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 7:56 am
by BizzieLizzie
Have a great time, Carole! :D

Re: OT: My trip across the Pond

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 2:27 pm
by mags
Hope you have a fabulous time. :D
Sorry you won't be passing close to me. :(

Re: OT: My trip across the Pond

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 8:12 pm
by rcperryls
:whoop: :whoop: :whoop: I am back from the most awesome and fantastic vacation - or should I say Holiday? - that I have ever had. I LOVE the UK :dance: :dance: and am only sorry that I could not be there longer :( and that I couldn't add more cities and include Scotland and more of Wales as well. I did get to have dinner with BizzieLizzie and lunch with RosemaryD and it was so great to meet and talk with them. Pictures tomorrow or the next day (once I get them all up into Photobucket). And soooooo much catching up to do on here. Please bear with me as I know there is going to be tons of lovely stitching and beautiful projects to see. And hello to all the new members that I hope to meet and get to know also. As for my stitching, I managed to get about two lines of black done on my LOTR Burden.

And now that I am back home there is no doubt in my mind that the weather will be warmer, sunnier and dryer in the UK. And it is good to be back home too!!!!!
