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Re: How do you organize your floss?

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 8:02 pm
by geekishly
I have one of those footstool storage boxes where I keep all my floss, felt, books, magazines and other odds and ends. The floss is stored on bobbins in the plastic thread caddies you can buy at the store. My stash keeps expanding though and I am doing my best to keep it under control and organized enough to find what I am looking for. XD

Re: How do you organize your floss?

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 9:18 am
by Andre
Re: How do you organize your floss?

Re: How do you organize your floss?

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 6:18 am
by claire81
Mine is appauling, When I am using thread for the cross stitch I am working on I just use those cardboard things that come free with the cross stitch, after a few weeks its just a big tangled mess with ripped holes, and reattached bits of threads. After my finished cross stitch this usually gets put in a carrier bag with all my other tangled messes. Don't think I can see my method catching on somehow :lol:

Re: How do you organize your floss?

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 7:04 am
by kouneli
I recently got 3 plastic boxes full of DMC threads from a cousin's a large bag of skeins that haven't yet been placed on the cardboard bobbins. As time goes by, I plan on switching them over to plastic bobbins, as they're much more sturdy. Also have the stickers from DMC that has all of the numbers. They stick VERY well, compared to the label maker stickers that I was using.
I also have one other plastic box, originally for beads but fits the bobbins well, that's about halfway full of the threads already placed on plastic bobbins. The smaller plastic bobbins tend to get loss in the cardboard ones lol.
For the threads that I'm using in current projects, I have them in yet another plastic box, the same as the one carrying the plastic bobbins. I also have a pair of scissors, highlighter, permanent marker, binder clips, needle case (with needles), trash "bin" (simply a separate slot for the trash), and the chart.

Re: How do you organize your floss?

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 1:17 am
by ladyeve
I have about 3 or 4 organizer boxes that I place the dmc floss in. I use the bobbins and number them in order. I know there are some people who organize the floss by shades of color, but I just do it in numeric order :) easier for me to find :D

Re: How do you organize your floss?

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 9:48 pm
by gamermd
when i was working on a small project (around 15 colors) i used to dump all skeins in a box, pull out and cut around 2 arm lengths of the thread for use, dump back what's left of the skein back to the box, pull out 1 or 2 floss from the cut section and place the rest to a make-shift thread holder from a cardboard or an old folder. that system went on for around 10 yrs or so...until i became brave enough to start a project with 60+ colors!

now, i place my skeins in stitchbows (which i love as i do not have to spend time winding them into bobbins). unfortunately, i had a difficulty finding for the sleeves and i wasnt willing to buy online and pay for the shipping. i tried placing each stitchbow into a sandwich bag and organize them in a toolbox, arranged in numeric order. ended in a mess.

then i thought of making my own sleeves! went to the bookstore, bought the thickest plastic cover (the one used to cover books), hard cardboard and screws for binding. i cut the plastic cover in my desired size, created partitions/pockets for the stitchbows using a plastic sealer, punched holes in one end then put them together (with the hard cardboard as a support) using the binding screws. viola! my floss are now arranged numerically and never had a mess!

Re: How do you organize your floss?

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 1:38 pm
by StarrTiger
I have mine in the little bags. Right now the bags are just kind of floating all over the place, but I want to find a 2 ring binder, preferably two of them, one for my current project and one for storage. I like the bags cause I cut the whole skein into sections so that's one less step I have to do while stitching, I just have to pull the threads apart, and that's not entirely possible with the little bobbins.

Re: How do you organize your floss?

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 5:26 pm
by Rose
I now have a new way of storing my floss..... :wub: :wub:
I bought this cabinet that I have wanted for years. I got a 40% of coupon for it and so it was a sign that now was the time to do this.


Re: How do you organize your floss?

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 6:20 pm
by LaraAmber
I do the stitchbows. I like how easy they are to load and label. I also use an iPhone app to keep track of what I own.

Re: How do you organize your floss?

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 5:02 pm
by crosstitcher1
I have bobbins AND whole threads. EVENTUALLY ALL threads will be WHOLE.
In 3 blue plastic 3 ring binders, I put ea. color in ea. plastic sleeve with appropriate no. written on it. The 3 blue binders are the MAIN nos. of the threads. I keep these binders CONSTANTLY filled with appropriate nos.
My EXTRA threads are stored in 3 black 3 ring binders, 3 plastic bins, and a 4 stack plastic bobbin container that looks like a fishing tackle box. And I REPLENISH extra threads as needed at the END of my sewing year, the 2nd week of Dec.
The 3 blue and 3 black binders are stored in a 7 drawer wheeled cart. The 3 plastic bins are in one of those cloth bags that stores give out at their openings.
As I USE the bobbin threads, I REPLACE them with WHOLE threads, as I find it 100% BETTER to use when stitching. I put the WHOLE threads in the 3 blue binders. I just GENTLY pull the end to the COUNT of 4 and then DOUBLE the thread to use. For SHORT threads, I just wound around appropriate no. ANYTHING that CAN'T be doubled with ENOUGH thread to use, gets tossed away.


Re: How do you organize your floss?

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 9:54 pm
by sheiladderr
Mine are in the organizing boxes in numerical order. But I need more of them. My 3 boxes are full & I acquired a ton of floss from some dear friends!

Re: How do you organize your floss?

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 2:47 am
by canadastorm
I use some small plastic zip bags to store the floss of current project separately.

Re: How do you organize your floss?

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 9:04 am
by dawnnelson69
I typically place mine in plastic boxes on bobbins with the number the thread is as well as which type, whether its Iris (which I don't really reccomend) DMC, etc.

Re: How do you organize your floss?

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 1:22 am
by gardeninglady2012
Has anyone ever transferred their floss to the Annie's Keeper system now that it has been out awhile? I have my floss on plastic bobbins, but I don't like it all wound up. I just haven't found a system that I wanted to switch to before the Annie's Keeper system.

Does the thread get dustier on the Annie Keepers than on the bobbins in the boxes?

What do you do with the extra floss? Do you put it back on the keeper? That was puzzling to me.

Thanks for the help!

Re: How do you organize your floss?

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 9:01 am
by stitchingmae
Re: How do you organize your floss?

Re: How do you organize your floss?

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 4:53 pm
by twinkleberry
Re: How do you organize your floss?

Re: How do you organize your floss?

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 8:44 am
by ljane
Re: How do you organize your floss?

Re: How do you organize your floss?

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 1:55 am
by chatwitkat
Re: How do you organize your floss?

Re: How do you organize your floss?

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 9:45 am
by Oriettait
Re: How do you organize your floss?

Re: How do you organize your floss?

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 2:02 am
by DigitalDragon
I have all of my DMC floss on plstic bobins, labeled and sorted into five plastic bins. My extras are in a zip lock bag in another large bin with my fabric stash. I use a Thirty-One (brand) bag to hold all of my floss caddies and my in work project when I travel. The ladies at my church Handcrafters Circle are amazed at how organized and portable this setup is. I am only using scroll frames now and the six inch spreader bars are perfect for mg bag.