how did you start?

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Re: how did you start?

Post by mazzelsha »

I started when I was about 19yrs old when my mum gave me a tapestry of a woman reading a book & after that I was hooked! I enjoy tapestry still but must admit that my true passion is for cross stitching & I'm starting back up again after a long break & loving every second of it. I've made coasters for my partner, son, soon to be mother in law & my mum (ready for mother's day!) & am working on a large project for my partner which I hope to start soon. I also enjoy card making & have just started making macrame friendship bracelets....although my first attempt was more a key ring size!!
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Re: how did you start?

Post by Wildflower »

I wanted to learn knitting, embroidery, crocheting, etc. when I was very young. My mother's idea of being 'crafty' was wrapping a gift by herself -- and stick-on bow was optional. :) When I was about 9, she finally signed me up for crochet lessons. I made soooo many granny squares.

I moved on from crochet to hook rug kits. Must have made two dozen of them and a few were fairly large! At 14, I taught myself to embroider and I embroidered everything I could get my hands on. I had the coolest jeans in high school! I embroidered shirts, pillow cases and sheets, pictures - you name it, I embroidered it. That lasted through college.

For the next few years, I learned a few things here and there but did not do too much. When I was married in 1987, I was in Michael's and saw a booklet with two little owls and the saying "Grow old along with me, the best is yet to be" and I loved it. It was for cross stitch and the directions on how to stitch were in the booklet. I bought it, the aida cloth, the DMC floss needed and went home to start!

That pattern was the start of many! I made every mistake possible with my little owls and two more patterns I made from the booklet.

Close to my home (in San Antonio, TX at that time) was a little store whose name caught my eye - Cross Stitch Plus. (I think that was the name.) Stepping into that store was the best thing I ever did. The owner showed me many tricks and how to be a better stitcher. Eventually I began making some large projects, mainly framed pieces. I think my largest was about 3' x 2' framed. I always planned on doing some of the CS/CC stocking patterns but never did, although I did make 2 stockings for hubby and me and later one for our daughter. From easier patterns.

When I found out I was pregnant, I ordered pre-made pieces for the nursery and cross stitched everything! Things like a diaper holder, the changing pad, baby bibs... I bought a book of nursery rhymes cross stitch patterns and made 7 of them for her room. Jack and Jill was my favorite.

My daughter was born and I continued to stitch. I made soft little blocks for her by taking each letter of her name and stitching it and then making 5 additional things that began with the letter. Like "K" had a kite, a key, a kangaroo, etc. Then I sewed them together, stuffed with a bell and had soft blocks for her to play with. I made her an advent calendar with little stockings I stitched.

I never thought I would ever quit! But then we moved to Iowa and I began working with ladies who quilted. I put down my cross stitch and never picked it up again. :( However, I did learn to quilt. I even learned to sew!

Now I'm back to my first love - cross stitching. Working on Christmas stockings for my daughter and future husband. She's only 20 and no plans to get married soon so I hope I have a few years to finish them. :D
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Re: how did you start?

Post by wanderingmedic »

I tried to do some when I was very young. I was self-taught and not very good at reading instructions, as I suppose most people probably aren't when they're six, so I did some silly things, like trying to stitch on 14-count aida with six strands, and I soon became disheartened and gave up.

I started stitching properly when I was sixteen. My best friend at school showed me how to and started me with a tiny project from one of her magazines. A few weeks later I bought a kit and took it when we went on holiday together and she guided me through the beginning stages, and I never really looked back.

I've flirted with other crafts -- friends keep threatening to teach me how to knit -- but never gone anywhere with them.
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Re: how did you start?

Post by Solitaire »

I used to knit a lot but after developing RSI I had to give up, a woman I worked with used to do cross stitch and she got me into the craft. I become potty about it, even used to cross stitch on the train :) much to the amusement of other passengers.

Due to work commitments I gave up and restarted again about 18 months ago, now I'm addicted again and always looking around for interesting designs
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Re: how did you start?

Post by destructiveernie »

My mum has been cross stitching for years, I'd always been a reader so never bothered.

Then when at Uni, out shopping with a friend she went to Argos to get a cross stitch kit, I can't remember what she brought but I ended up getting one with woodland animals in a wheelbarrow. Started it, got stuck so took it home for some guidance from mum, next came winnie the pooh and then a man and his dog which I stitched for Grandad.

Over the years its been wedding presents, one wedding photo and the odd christmas present.

I discovered this place in 2007, didn't stay long but was back when I found out I was pregnant and was looking for inspiration for what to stitch for the baby. Became alot more active here when I was on maternity leave and, roughly 12 months on, have probably 10 times the stash I had then and a growing HAED addiction!!!!!

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Re: how did you start?

Post by elliegirl »

I started cross stitching when I was 31 yrs old and an Aunt introduced me to it. I was suffering from depression at the time and cross stitching got me through some really tough times. When I was not sleeping and when no-one else was awake, out came my project at the time and I would just sit and stitch until some one got up.
The enjoyment I get from it has never gone, but I have only just restarted after a two year break as work and commitments just did not leave any time.
I have alot of catching up to do and am loving every stitch that I do.

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Re: how did you start?

Post by Piper »

I bought a CS kit for my wife and after watching her stitch for a while I decided I would like a go so sat down with a piece of graph paper and designed a project for myself, that was over 10 years ago.
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Re: how did you start?

Post by mnaujok »

Hello all,

My gran bought me my first cross stitch kit when I was 8. It was a little bunny, and I have been stitching ever since! :)
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Re: how did you start?

Post by nimblefingers01 »

elliegirl wrote:I started cross stitching when I was 31 yrs old and an Aunt introduced me to it. I was suffering from depression at the time and cross stitching got me through some really tough times. When I was not sleeping and when no-one else was awake, out came my project at the time and I would just sit and stitch until some one got up.
The enjoyment I get from it has never gone, but I have only just restarted after a two year break as work and commitments just did not leave any time.
I have alot of catching up to do and am loving every stitch that I do.
This is a really inspiring story, thank you donna for sharing some a sensitive subject as depression on a forum. IU think its very important for sufferers not to hide away and keep in the dark but reach out and let others help but sharing such experiences. I have also suffered from dpression at least once in my life and doing something creative was a great way to take my mind of the stresses of daily life. :applesauce:

I stitched my dog to begin with about 8 years ago and have been addicted to this relaxing hobby since. I have tried other methods to help overcome depression like I started doing more excerice and found a gym in local Irelandat a voucher site to start my exercise regime and my doctor advised me. Also taking time to relax in a bath and pamper yourself ahve really helped. Lastyl I have also started reading power books like The Power of Now this spiritual guide has helped me retrain my mind to think more postively and I would recommend anyone suffering to read! :)
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Re: how did you start?

Post by Amanda G »

My Mum occasionally does cross stitch and she often had catalogues from the Craft Collection. About 10 years ago, my Mum suggested my floral watercolours would be nice to stitch so she encouraged me to approach CC. CC bought a few of my watercolours and did the charting "in house" but they were sold as CC kits and didn't have my name on, so they were anonymous. My Mum bought one of the kits and she has been stitching it for the past 8 years!!! She isn't on this forum so I can say that without her seeing! :)
I then approached magazines and they did the "in house" charting from my artwork. It's only in the last couple of years that I've started to do my own charts, so I am still learning as I go along. I love the whole process of seeing a design take shape from drawing to finished piece....not much different from stitching I guess?
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Re: how did you start?

Post by Emmylou »

My mum has been doing cross stitch for many years at least 15...I know that because she made one for me when I was about 4/5. Her mum also does some stitching and she taught me how to do it. I remember my first cross stitch, it was a really stiff fabric with large holes held by a proper floor stand (which sadly she just threw out...I had wanted it oh well). The thread was actually wool and the needle was large and plastic. The cross stitch was of a pram on some grass, I've been doing small cross stitches here and there over the years but it's only in the last 2 that I've really picked it up.
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Re: how did you start?

Post by JulieBean »

The first piece ! ever stitched was for a home economics class in high school. The teacher gave as all a very small kit. Mine was of a little grey kitten playing with a ball of yarn. I loved it so much. To this day I can still hear her voice telling me that a lot of good stitchers will keep there backs as nice looking as the fronts. I remember thinking..."I hope I'm that good someday!" I stitched for many years into my early 20's but put it down for several. Now at 31 I'm happier than ever to be stitching again!
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Re: how did you start?

Post by Didi »

My mum was a dressmaker but not really anything else she had done some embroidery when she was younger but I never really saw her sewing other than making clothes for us. The first time I picked up a needle was in junior school so about 9 and I hated it couldn't wait for the lesson to end.
Then I went away to train and started knitting moving on to tapestry then embroidery and eventually cross stich. I made quite a few things some of which are still hanging on my walls and mum has a chair re covered in a tapestry I did but then life took over again work and family took all my time so the needles and threads went to the back of the cupboard. Did some scrap booking and card making and have just got back into the needle crafts with quilting and cross stitch and very much enjoying the relaxation of it
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Re: how did you start?

Post by tubbsy24 »

I was a late starter. After I was widowed and then retired I took to watching TV in a big way and to stop me dipping into the fridge/larder so often I decided to try XS to keep my hands occupied. I am not a 'crafty' person but XXXX's I can just about manage. My first attempt was a kit from the $2 shop on 9ct aida, but of course I didn't know there were different counts back then. It's called 'Bear Hugs and Bath Scrubs Welcomed' and still hangs on my bathroom wall. You can see it in my Webshots XS album.

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Re: how did you start?

Post by MelAdkins »

My mom and I both got the same stamped cross stitch pattern when I was probably around 13 or so. Neither of us had ever tried it before, although she did crochet. It didn't take me long to figure out that I cannot stand stamped cross stitch patterns. The X's were coming out uneven and I cannot stand things to not look "even" and line up. I didn't even finish that pattern because I was so frustrated! I picked up a few things here and there after that, but when I found out I was pregnant, I went back to cross stitching and stitched my son's Christmas stocking. The stitching is done - but it needs to be sewn. He'll be 17 in December. :) Don't laugh! My daughter's is the same way except she'll only be 8 in December. This is my goal for 2012. To get these both FINISHED!!
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Re: how did you start?

Post by EileenC »

I'm a late starter! I fell ill about 4 years ago and ended up disabled and having to retire from work. Although I have done papercrafting for many years I felt that I needed 'something else'. About a year ago my husband took me shopping and looking at the magazine section I saw a cross stitch magazine that had a free gift of a little inspirational saying with some flowers around it - I love flowers and felt a bit down at the time so thought I would get it and have a go. I did it and it made me feel 'brighter' and it started from there - I am very much self taught and read all the 'how to' sections of patterns/mags and go online to see how things are done as I don't know anybody else who does cross stitch. I love cross stitch now and my only regret is that I didn't find it sooner!!
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Re: how did you start?

Post by stitchiemom »

My mom and grandmother have done embroidery, latch-hook, and cross stitch all my life and did model stitching when I was a teen,so when I was a teenager I did a bookmark for myself and a matching one for my then bff. I have done all sizes and types of cross stitch projects since then, too many to count. I am now teaching my 11-year old daughter to stitch, and my 2-year old loves to help me when she can or when I allow her. My mom still stitches when she has the opportunity, but that is not very often any more with her work schedule.

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Re: how did you start?

Post by amandadawn »

My grandmother taught me when I was about seven...actually, it was my stepfather's mother with whom I only got along for about those 30 minutes that she was teaching me how to cross stitch. We bonded over that and I honestly think that was the only thing that kept us from being super catty to each other as I grew up (she was not a nice person).

Anyway, after that I just kept buying kits from Wal-Mart and wherever else. I always went for the more complicated ones that looked like paintings. When I was just out of college, I discovered Scarlet Quince and have been working on Starry Night for about three years, with long breaks in there to have my twins. And recover from having my twins. And get used to having my twins. ;)
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Re: how did you start?

Post by Lessa54 »

Hmm, thought I had answered this, but having read the whole thread, I must have missed it.

I first stitched when I was about 6 or 7. My parents gave me a kit for my birthday which was a large holed plastic mesh that snapped into a plastic frame. I think it was a house or something like that. Then I did a rabbit on a red background. The back of that one is a bit embarrassing -knots and large leaps to new sections of the colour etc. And there was a Rainbow Brite kit somewhere as well. I was sort of dependent on presents though and I didnt know that such things as stash existed :shock: so when the kits ran out, I moved onto other crafts. My mum showed me how to knit, but I found that boring -it was all the same and took too long to make anything. Now that I'm stitching HAEDs, that's quite a funny thought though for stopping something :lol:

I did a bit of painting by numbers next (badly!) and then I was given some needlepoint kits. That got me hooked again and I did largely needlepoint until my mid-twenties. I was getting bored though with the way that needlepoint patterns didn't seem to have enough fine detail. My brother then bought me a cross stitch kit of a tiger looking into a pool of water and I was hooked back on cross stitch. It seemed rather like fate that my FIL is also an avid cross stitcher and then of course I discovered this forum and all you lovely ladies and the world of STASH opened up (and my purse gained a big hole :lol: ). Now I'm stitching HAEDs, have a Chatelaine in the stash, doing hardanger, speciality stitches etc.
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Re: how did you start?

Post by backafteradozenyrs »

I was in the military & very bored when at work. I had joined the US Air Force to be a policewoman, but you don't get to do that in the first 4 years, those years you play "gate guard"...and I was always on the night shift. I was allowed to have school books/a radio. Then I found out I could have "stitching". For the life of me, I can't remember what kit I stitched (I'm certain it was a kit, though!)

Fast forward 2 or so years & I was married and out of the AF. A friend was getting married & I stitched up a wedding announcement with 2 doves. My (then) SIL had a baby & I made a birth announcement for him (both were kits).

That marriage didn't stick and I stopped stitching until after I got re-married. When I was pregnant with our daughter (19 yrs ago) I did a lot of stitching but after the baby came, I stopped.

I picked up a needle again when my new church had a montly ladies craft day. Wasn't sure if I could handle it, as I had been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis in 2002...but I seems to be in remission (since '04).
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