2017 St Cross Stitchers Ward

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Re: 2017 St Cross Stitchers Ward

Post by mysterystitcher »

Phew! Feels better for a change. But this spring time is unpredictable. The fact I'm able to come home for a day doesn't mean I may not come back on the ward the very next day. That's how unpredictable this RJ is.

IRL I visited my dentist. He had to scratch again. He always must remove something your world knows as calculus. That scratching is not anything nice, if you have any experience, but it must be done.
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Re: 2017 St Cross Stitchers Ward

Post by Serinde »

Quick! Get that bed changed! *scurry scurry; sweep sweep; plump plump*
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Re: 2017 St Cross Stitchers Ward

Post by CuriousKitty »

Well I'm not sick physically, but I've been absolutely in the dumps for no reason (okay I lied, not really no reason) and my sleep has been downright awful. I'm so close to finishing the letter "O" on this blanket and I find myself dragging my feet so to speak. I don't know if the confetti is just making my mood worse, or the constant (very minor) upsets day-to-day, but I pick it up and I feel like I just scowl at it. If this blanket had feelings, or each individual letter, I have an inkling that "O" would think its being bullied. It also doesn't help that I think "O" has one of the highest counts of different colors out of most of the letters that I've noticed. 15 different colors! And it's all confetti! And I'll move onto another color, thinking I'm done, (working clockwise around the pattern since it's a circle) and I'll be on 2 colors later and find I missed one two colors back!

:tantrum: :computer: :evil: :computer: :tantrum:

This crappy sleep is killing me though, I swear. Hubby is sick as a dog and he coughs like he has a disease or something (you know that cough deep in the chest that's wet and icky sounding, and you cringe the moment you hear it). And my digestive system's been the worst. I'll eat something perfectly normal and an hour later be confined to the bathroom for 20 minutes. =( Every time I get nauseous, I wonder if that's the first sign of pregnancy- no period in 2 months, but no other signs, and then it goes away and maybe it was just indigestion. And even thinking about it I wonder and panic if I'm at all ready. Yeah I know, I said this last time, but it's always been one of those niggling insecurities in the back of my head growing up- having an atypical puberty and what not and apparently very small women have a high chance/rate of problems with pregnancy (some sort of research about overly small/petite women having a higher rate of C-section/preemies)? Not something I really want to delve into, or think about honestly. I feel like I'll make myself more anxious than I need to be.

I think overall, I'm not in a bad place mentally, just maybe a very anxious one. I saw one of our fellow store managers for the first time in a while, and like about 95% of the people who see me for the first time since our wedding, she asked when kids were coming. I know these questions are coming from a good place, but I can't help but feel this odd pressure around it all. And you know, that prevailing, WHAT IF there is something wrong? What if it's me? What if it's the hubby? I mean let's be honest, he's told me that when he was in college, he was a little wild and there have been 0 accidents. Would I be okay with that? I suppose, we don't necessarily have to adopt. Maybe I'll just be an old puppy lady instead of a cat lady. They're less of a hassle over all.

Besides, look at this face. Can you really say no to more of this?

So I asked my sister (who's lucky enough to be regular) how long it took her to get pregnant. After telling me that she basically charted herself to when she ovulated and "instigated" with her hubby (not sure how I feel about that, apparently he wasn't very interested, now I know he loves his two daughters, my nieces, so very much, but it seems a little conniving to me, but that's my sister for you) it took her 6 months. So if I'm irregular, maybe a year? I also showed my mother an update of the afghan and said I just might keep it for myself at this rate.

Oh and the shelving! UGH. I'll save that one for later. I'm so mad about it I can't even talk about it right now.

Ugh. My life, in general, I know, is mostly very uncomplicated. And I'm quite fortunate to be where I am. I'm probably just being over-the-top anxious about it all.
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Re: 2017 St Cross Stitchers Ward

Post by rcperryls »

Doesn't matter if you are being overly concerned or not, whether your hormones are working overtime for any special reason or because hormones work overtime just to annoy us (at least that is what I used to tell myself when I had hormones :roll: ), sounds to me like you're feeling overwhelmed right now and need a safe place to vent. This is a safe place and the Stash and Grab is another. Just depends on the type of TLC you need and want. And I think the "O" will forgive you for taking longer to get him (her?) done. There is no law that says you can't move on to another letter and go back when you are feeling a bit more patient in dealing with the confetti. Maybe find the letter that has the least colors used. Or just hang out here for a while. Just push the buzzer or ring the bell when you need something. :hug:

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Re: 2017 St Cross Stitchers Ward

Post by tiffstitch »

CuriousKitty wrote:Ugh. My life, in general, I know, is mostly very uncomplicated. And I'm quite fortunate to be where I am. I'm probably just being over-the-top anxious about it all.
As Carole said, this is a safe, nonjudgmental place to vent, and it sounds like you need to. We had completely given up on children by the time I became pregnant, and I had a thyroid issue that may have hampered things. That can affect menstrual cycles too, so if you haven't had that checked, you certainly could. Digestion wise, I also had a dairy allergy appear out of the blue and that definitely causes digestive issues. You could try and elimination diet and cut out certain foods for a week, see if your symptoms change, and if they don't, try a different food, etc. Up to you though too, because of course anxiety can cause digestive issues as well.

Overall take care of yourself, the cross stitch can wait. I can't even tell you how many deadlines I've missed. One was for my Grandma's 90th birthday and I did finally finish the project for her 92nd birthday, she still loved it. :) It's the care and effort you're putting into it that matters, not so much the deadline. Plus, you could switch to another letter like Carole said, that's a good thought too.
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Re: 2017 St Cross Stitchers Ward

Post by CuriousKitty »

Thanks you guys, I always feel better after visiting. :oops: I took some time today and walked down to Rite Aid and got some odds-ends, and then detoured to Taco Bell and got some very yummy and very unhealthy food and piping hot, fresh apple empanada! Took a nice detour on my walk home, it felt great! Too bad our weather can't always be this mild. I'm sick of the rain.
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Re: 2017 St Cross Stitchers Ward

Post by kingfisher68(2) »

Hope everyone soon feels better. Brought in some mixed flowers to cheer everyone up. Remember Curious Kitty, women don't have hot flushes, they have power surges :lol: Hormones are a darned nuisance but if you can try & relax it helps. Not always possible I know as life gets really hectic at times. A few days of TLC in here I am sure will make you feeling better. :)

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Re: 2017 St Cross Stitchers Ward

Post by Lulu22 »

I hope everyone in the ward feels better soon and I've bought some delicious chocolate brownies to cheer us all up, yummy!

Gabrielle, thinking of and having children is so very rewarding but also a time for uncertainties, I think what you've said about it all is a perfectly normal reaction!
I have had four children my first at the age of nineteen, I too am petite, slightly over five feet tall and was at that time seven stones with tiny hips, however I had all my children naturally with just gas and air and their weights ranged from 7 to 9 lb, I hope this helps ease your worries about being small framed.
I too worried if I was ready to be a mum being so young, but I have to say its the BEST thing I have ever done, to be honest it doesn't matter what age you are when you have children, you do get some tricky times but also the most wonderful times too, anyone that says any different is lying!

It's good to indulge yourself too sounds like just the ticket :)
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Re: 2017 St Cross Stitchers Ward

Post by fccs »

I hope you feel better - and trust me, the letter "O" will forgive you, even if it catches you scowling. I'm glad the walk helped - it's always nice to get out get some fresh air.

Am I the only one who thinks it's a bit rude to ask someone when/if they plan on having children? I have friends who can't believe that I don't ask my own son and his wife that question. To me, having children is an extremely personal decision.

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Re: 2017 St Cross Stitchers Ward

Post by CuriousKitty »

fccs wrote:I hope you feel better - and trust me, the letter "O" will forgive you, even if it catches you scowling. I'm glad the walk helped - it's always nice to get out get some fresh air.

Am I the only one who thinks it's a bit rude to ask someone when/if they plan on having children? I have friends who can't believe that I don't ask my own son and his wife that question. To me, having children is an extremely personal decision.
It might be an American thing, but it seems that once you get married, it's all about children and your reproductive system and plans become public property, so to speak. Or once you are pregnant, suddenly your belly is public touching/rubbing space. I see it so much and I swear, if that happened to me I'd probably smack the person. I could see asking your own immediate family, but when all my coworkers and strangers start asking, it's just a little awkward. Actual conversation with customers:

"Oh you're so cute! Are you married?" /eyetwitch
"Yes, just last summer."
"Any kids on the way?"
"No, not yet." /smileblandly
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Re: 2017 St Cross Stitchers Ward

Post by Ajay »

CuriousKitty wrote:Or once you are pregnant, suddenly your belly is public touching/rubbing space. I see it so much and I swear, if that happened to me I'd probably smack the person.

I actually did punch someone for randomly coming up and touching my stomach when pregnant with my daughter.

Alot of your questions about why aren't I getting pregnant, could be answered by your OBGYN. I'm sure he or she could answer the "I'm irregular, will this affect this" maybe having medical personal answer these questions will help. Your probably perfectly fine and it just hasn't connected yet.
I will tell you I was irregular (I haven't had a period in 9 and half years.....) and the main thing that was the problem was because i hadnt had a period in the 6 months pior to finding out i pregnant, and the fetus definatly wasnt 6 months we couldnt figure out....how pregnant and because the embryonic sac was so large, and the fetus was a week or two behind that, or some such thing. It wasn't till I was 4 to 5 months pregnant they could figure it out.
Don't worry about if your ready or not. My DH and I defiantly were not (and on some days we still arent) all you can do is your best, and love the spawn of your womb. The rest will work itself out.

Also if you think having a kid will stop the questions......my daughter is 8 and I still get "when you giving her a sibling" and those questions started when she was 6 to 8 months old.
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Re: 2017 St Cross Stitchers Ward

Post by wendywombat »

Taking up a corner bed for a couple of days. That one in the corner with discreet lighting.

I took a right tumble on Wednesday!! :doh:
We were coming back from dropping off SIL at the airport when we decided to pop into the supermarket. It was hot and we were a bit tired, so we were rushing a bit!
I remember dodging an old man with a full trolley. I fell over a large concrete bollard and fell FLAT ON MY FACE!!
I've broken my nose, grazed my top lip and cut inside it with my teeth. (you should have seen the blood!) Bruised both hands and got generally shaken up!
But the xray showed no fractures to my hands and the CT scan showed no damage to my head apart from an undisplaced fracture to my nose.

So hence that bed in the corner, I'm NOT a pretty sight.

I frightened D/H by falling, but everyone was wonderful, passers by rang for the ambulance and helped me, store security gave first aid...and the ambulance staff were kind. D/H even manage to achieve a 'long felt want' and go through a red light on the wrong side of the road following the ambulance.

I can't sew or read though as hands painful and my glasses won't fit my nose.

If anyone is free to read to me, that would be lovely!! Oh yes, and provide me with clean serviettes when I drink as my mouth is swollen so I dribble!! :lol: :roll:
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Re: 2017 St Cross Stitchers Ward

Post by richardandtracy »

Wishing you a fast recovery. That sounds a pretty nasty accident you had.
Get better soon.


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Re: 2017 St Cross Stitchers Ward

Post by Serinde »

Glad the suite has come in useful. :bandaid: But sorry you had such a bad tumble. However, if something is worth doing, it's worth doing to excess, as my old nanny used to say. I have now sourced adult-sized "this-isn't-really-a-bib" bib with a velcro fastening and decorated with wombats and puffins so the staff know they are yours. Very soft and absorbent; kind to both sore face and sore hands. 8) :P

Given half a chance, people will be kind. Glad DH has ticked one thing off his bucket list :dance: tho wish the circumstances were different. :anotherfrog:
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Re: 2017 St Cross Stitchers Ward

Post by Mabel Figworthy »

Serinde wrote:Glad DH has ticked one thing off his bucket list :dance: tho wish the circumstances were different.
Quite. Poor Wendy! This is not the sort of thing we want to happen to our favourite Wombat :-(
Glad to hear the fractured bits hadn't moved - small mercies and all that!
May you soon feel up to things again, and until you do, audiobooks are prescribed I think.
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Re: 2017 St Cross Stitchers Ward

Post by Nicola Main »

Ohhh Wendy I'm so sorry to hear about your nasty fall! I hope you get better soon xxx
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Re: 2017 St Cross Stitchers Ward

Post by rcperryls »

OMG Audiobooks are definitely prescribed. Not too funny so you won't hurt your face laughing. I remember when I fell on my face and knocked my top bridge and remaining upper teeth out and cut my lip which bled sooo much. You have all my empathy. It is so scary besides hurting. Sending you lots of hugs and wishes and prayers for a speedy recovery.

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Re: 2017 St Cross Stitchers Ward

Post by Lulu22 »

Yikes poor you Wendy!

I'm an avid reader so I'll happily read you a book of your choosing and I'll bring some serviettes and straws for your swollen mouth too, maybe a nice ice cream would help? :icecream:

Wishing you a super speedy recovery take care :hug:
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Re: 2017 St Cross Stitchers Ward

Post by wendywombat »

:grouphug: :grouphug:

Thank you!! I'm feeling like a Martini....shaken Not stirred! :roll: Bits of me hurt that I didn't expect, but I am improving thanks to the care and attention I'm receiving. :wub:

The "this-isn't-really-a-bib" from Serinde with the very quickly stitched Wombats and Puffins has brightened my day and Lulu's straws have helped no end, thanks. :icecream: please, but not chocolate or strawberry, will be great.

I'll sit back now and listen to the interesting books being read to me. :)
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Re: 2017 St Cross Stitchers Ward

Post by Purple Patsy »

Wishing you a very speedy recovery from what sounds like a very traumatic accident.

Now if you are sitting comfortable I'll begin:-

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And when you get bored of me reading it I will pop in the BBC DVDs for you. You can't beat a bit of Colin Firth in a wet shirt can you?!?!?!?!
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