London Attack

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London Attack

Post by DisneyStitcher »

Hoping all of you are safe and well. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
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Re: London Attack

Post by Rosheen »

So sad... Belgium is remembering and Londen is hit again.
Hope everybody here is safe and sending my prayers to the victims and their families. :(

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Re: London Attack

Post by kingfisher68 »

So awful to hear on our news. Shock & disbelief were my first thoughts after I had read earlier in the day Belgium is remembering their people killed through terrorism.

Hope everyone from the forum & their loved ones are OK. Prayers & condolences to all who suffer through these atrocities whichever country they live in & however long ago.

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Re: London Attack

Post by karen4bells »

Very sad!! Prayers going out to those who have been affected by this! :beg:
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Re: London Attack

Post by Squirrel »

What a horrible thing to have happened. My thoughts and prayers are with all who are affected by this madness. Keep as safe as you can everyone, madness is loose in the world at large.
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Re: London Attack

Post by fccs »

Lifting all the victims up in prayer. I wonder when people who plan and carryout attacks like this will realize (assuming it was, in fact, a terrorist attack) they ultimately fail because the world draws together in the aftermath. If only that feeling of solidarity would continue when the attack fades from memory.

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Re: London Attack

Post by kingfisher68 »

Well said Debby. :applesauce:

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Re: London Attack

Post by wendywombat »

fccs wrote:Lifting all the victims up in prayer. I wonder when people who plan and carryout attacks like this will realize (assuming it was, in fact, a terrorist attack) they ultimately fail because the world draws together in the aftermath. If only that feeling of solidarity would continue when the attack fades from memory.
I second that Debby! I still remember the horror of the Nice attack and then Paris followed by Belgium.

I'm sure it only strengthens the resolve of people to end terrorism.
My thoughts are with the victims and their relatives.
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Re: London Attack

Post by rcperryls »

wendywombat wrote:
fccs wrote:Lifting all the victims up in prayer. I wonder when people who plan and carryout attacks like this will realize (assuming it was, in fact, a terrorist attack) they ultimately fail because the world draws together in the aftermath. If only that feeling of solidarity would continue when the attack fades from memory.
I second that Debby! I still remember the horror of the Nice attack and then Paris followed by Belgium.

I'm sure it only strengthens the resolve of people to end terrorism.
My thoughts are with the victims and their relatives.
I couldn't express my feelings any better.

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Re: London Attack

Post by richardandtracy »

I am going to say something that has led to me being attacked on other fora in the past.

I am sorry for the victims, and it is terrible for them & their families. No question. But it is no more, or no less, terrible for them than it is for the victims of a car crash or shooting or a stabbing that is not terrorist related. All lives matter equally. Mawkish concentration on one event and not another equally deserving, is not healthy for either society or individuals.

It was an attack on Parliament.
That failed. Remember that. It failed, and it failed due to the security measures already in place. Some small review may be needed to see if things could be improved.
But there is no need for wall to wall TV/Radio coverage any more than there is for a fatal car crash on the M25. There is no need for a serious security clamp-down, as the measures in place worked. And worked pretty much as they should have done. Do not give the terrorist credence by making the event into a National Crisis. That's what they want, and to do so would be for us to snatch defeat from the jaws of certain victory.

What, 4 people died & a number seriously injured. That has happened when a bus crashes. Last year almost 3000 people, sadly, died on the roads in the UK. Last time I looked at the figures, 45,000 died on the roads in one year in the US. Those figures are vastly more dreadful and need more concentrated effort to reduce, as every car crash victim is as important as every victim in this London attack.


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Re: London Attack

Post by Serinde »

Richard, I don't disagree in the fact that all lives are worthy to be lived, and we agree that anything that stops that natural progression is a personal tragedy for them, their families and friends no matter how it comes to be. That it has happened in this way -- so publicly and maliciously as part of the perpetrator's endgame, is an insult to add to the injury.

An attack on our political institutions, which have developed over the course of a millennium in Britain, has indeed failed. An attack like this can only succeed if it either pits the goodwill of all citizens against those institutions or if it makes us turn on each other. Feel free to pick whichever cliché makes most sense, but for me, well, I tend to come down on the side of 'the price of freedom is eternal vigilance' -- the universe doesn't owe me security. So the best way to mediate that, I think, is by taking responsibility: to have an open door, open mind and open heart. In this way, I hope to be less easily deceived by those who attempt to undermine the philosophical basis of the way of life which we have spent centuries building.

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Re: London Attack

Post by RosemaryD »

Hmm. I have many thoughts on this and related subjects for which this forum is not the appropriate stage, and I most certainly do not intend to offend anyone with what I do say.

Richard I do agree about the media knee-jerk over-reaction aspect. However, I do think there is a fundamental difference between an act perpetrated with the intention of causing injury or loss of life, as in this case, and the majority of traffic incidents where I doubt that the people involved got up that morning with the deliberate intention of hurting others, even if they do choose to drive dangerously. I can therefore understand why "terrorist" incidents are perceived differently by the public and the media and have the tendency to be over-hyped.

Security-wise the threat level in the UK is, and has been consistently for many years, classified as severe which is defined as "an attack is highly likely". We should all be assured that behind the scenes an awful lot of work is going on to prevent attacks such as this, most of which will not be made public.

I just typed a load more then thought better of it and deleted. I will say that I thoroughly agree with Serinde about the importance of keeping an open mind.

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Re: London Attack

Post by kingfisher68 »

I agree there are lot who die from accidents but this attack on Westminster Bridge was not an accident, it was deliberate. The driver wanted to mow down people like skittles & kill as many as possible before going into the parliament area & stabbing a policeman. He had 2 knives for goodness sake, he meant to kill someone or maybe more than one person, by stabbing them as well as mowing people down.

I cannot understand how a person/persons can have so much hate they want to kill people they do not know.

I wasn't going to mention this but as you've mentioned figures I have some it started 2.5 weeks ago when a relative died suddenly from a heart attack. 4 days later I learned a person I know was on the pavement when a lorry came into contact with several cars which resulted in the person being knocked down & run over twice!! Talk about being in the wrong place at the wrong time. The lorry should not have been in that part of the town as central roads are too narrow - to get to the area the driver needed there is a ring road for large lorries to go round so avoiding the city centre. Everyone knows lorries are damaging foundations of old buildings but still lorry drivers use centre roads & the police & council do not seem to be bothered doing anything about it. Perhaps they will now the person who was an ex police officer had been killed.

8 days after that tragedy I learned a person whose family I know had been murdered by someone they knew who held a grudge. It beggars belief that someone could do that. Everyone has periods where several horrible things happen but most of them are accidents & not deliberate acts.

There are several Holy people long ago in European history who went to foreign lands & killed non-Christians or those who would not convert to Christianity, was not that murder too? Religions cause a lot of wrongdoings in the name of whichever religion the perpetrators commit atrocities.

I will not say any more on this subject & will only talk about cross stitch matters in future.

If what I have written is too controversial please delete this.

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