2016 Cross Stitchers Ward

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Re: 2016 Cross Stitchers Ward

Post by Inkysloth »

Lulu22 wrote:
Hi Inkysloth,

I don't know anyone with this problem, so to meet someone on the cross stitch forum with it is a surprise for sure!
I am so sorry you have back problems too it's bad enough with the dysplasia let alone anything else, how are you managing?
I complain a lot!

To be honest, having the dysplasia diagnosed made living with the pain a lot easier - I'd had several years of being told "there's nothing wrong", or having it blamed on depression. (I had depression for several years, but it lifted a few years ago, but my pain levels carried on being annoying.)

Now I've found a good balance of pain meds, and use crutches or a wheelchair depending on what I'm doing, it's very manageable.

If you'd find an active support group helpful & you use Facebook, there's a really friendly adult dysplasia group & a PAO group. (I don't like FB so rarely check in).

Best wishes

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Re: 2016 Cross Stitchers Ward

Post by kandifloss »

Hoe those of you who have been ill soon feel better :)

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Re: 2016 Cross Stitchers Ward

Post by mysterystitcher »

Owww, my poor stomach! I think I'll snuggle up to rest for a while, if there's space for someone like me. Why do I need to be here?
First reason: I'm a woman and I have a swimming ban.
Second reason: I ate too much. I have to take it easy for a while, so that my digestion will catch up. The first reason...well, time will help for that. Thanks for being there for me and sorry to be a bother and if I could get just a small slice of buttermilk cake (it's eggless, which is super important for me), I'd be pleased.
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Re: 2016 Cross Stitchers Ward

Post by agi »

Can I come and complain a bit? Those that remember me, perhaps remember also that I sometimes used to have some pain in my back. Those were usually short periods, one-two weeks, then everything was Ok. But since last November the pain has become constant, sometimes better, sometimes worse but always there. And radiated down to my legs. I also have pain in my bladder, especially in the night, they didn´t find anything so they are calling it the painful bladder symptome. Tried some treatment that didn´t help, since then nothing is done about it.

But finally I got to go to an MRI with my back. Apparently I have a slipped disk. I read it might even cause the bladder problem. Now I am waiting for an appointment with a spine specialist. My GP said it is possible that they will want to operate. I got a bit frightened but some days I am in so much pain that I wouldn´t mind, I just need some help. Problem is, here in Sweden it might take quite long just to get an appointment. I am hoping it won´t be too long though.

Right now, three weeks after school started I come home almost every day in tears. After 2-3 hours of teaching I need to take painkillers. Not to mention when I have lunch duty, half an hour standing in the lunch hall. After 5 minutes standing I am in agony. During my lessons I have to sit down often but I can usually make it work. Not sure what to do. I cannot really afford to go on sick-leave.

Sorry this became so long. Anyway, stitching usually works as pain-management, when I am able to sit, that is. Keep your fingers crossed for me, please.

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Re: 2016 Cross Stitchers Ward

Post by rcperryls »

Mystery stitcher: You can have as small or as large a piece of buttermilk or any other kind of cake that you want. And a :tea: or a hot toddy if that will help. Everything in this ward only relieves aches and pains and never ever causes any side or other effects :hug: .

Agi" :hug: :hug: for you and I wish I could just put a big :bandaid: on your back and make it all go away! I'm so sorry that the pain in your back has gotten so bad. I'm glad that they have discovered the cause and will be able to do something to fix it. Hopefully it won't be that long before you will be able to get an appointment. Spend as much time as you need in here and complain as much as you need to. Will be keeping :x: that this long ordeal will be over soon.

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Re: 2016 Cross Stitchers Ward

Post by Serinde »

"Painful bladder syndrome" INDEED. :roll: Harrumph. I've just consulted the NHS via Dr Google. It's perverse that moving around, swimming for exercise, and various particular anti-inflammatories help "ease the disc back into place" when it hurts so much for you to move. :hug: And they don't give any indication of how long this might take. I know the NHS has a reputation for investigating practically every other option under the sun, but now that your medics know what the problem actually is, I hope surgery is a last resort! :thinks:
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Re: 2016 Cross Stitchers Ward

Post by wendywombat »

:hug: :hug: Agi
I 'slipped a disc' many years ago whilst nursing. Silly me wouldn't let the patient fall to the floor and went down with her! :doh: :shock:
I know that pain and it's awful, like toothache in the back and Will Not go away!. Anti-inflammatory drugs help, but they can cause other problems too so it's a difficult situation to manage.
I hope your colleagues at work are sympathetic to you and maybe they'll do some of your lunch duties to help out.

My advice is Make a Fuss and say that this is affecting your life and your work! You won't be giving 100% to your pupils so maybe your head teacher can put in a good word too.

Come in and rest when you can, there’ll always be someone here to soothe and understand. :coffee: :tea: :hug: :rose:
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Re: 2016 Cross Stitchers Ward

Post by Genevieve2 »

Agi - I, too, know the pain of a slipped disc and it's awful, you have my sympathy.

Have you spoken to your head teacher about the diagnosis, etc? Please do. Your employers should be helping you with this and standing for any length of time is not on! In fact I don't know how you are able to do it.

Are you in a teaching union? Maybe they could advise in what your rights are regarding this type of condition.

Do look after yourself.
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Re: 2016 Cross Stitchers Ward

Post by agi »

Thank you for your kind words. I have told the headmaster, not much help there. I also asked the deputy who makes the timetables, to change mine, I have two easy days and there very long ones but they couldn´t (wouldn´t?) In my school everyone is young and healthy, and some of them lack empathy, apparently. I am going to call my doctor and ask for help. There is such a thing here as 50% sick leave, that is you work but not full time. And this means 90% salary, if I am not mistaken, although I don´t know for how long. I will ask if I can have this.
Today I also came home with a strange feeling, it feels as if I am coming down with something. Let´s hope it is only the extreme tiredness (yesterday I worked from 8.20 am to 7.20 pm - we had a parent evening, and a full, long day even without that. Today I was teaching (read: on my feet) 6 hours. I might have to stay at home tomorrow. :(

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Re: 2016 Cross Stitchers Ward

Post by rcperryls »

Your health is the most important thing you have to think about. I think having a note from your Doctor is a must as well as taking advantage of working part time for a while. Even if you have to take less salary for now, that is better than not being able to work at all. Take tomorrow off (I assume you get a reasonable number of sick days) and rest up on the week-end. Keep us up to date on how you are doing please. Sending you as many good thoughts and :hug: as I can.

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Re: 2016 Cross Stitchers Ward

Post by agi »

Thank you, Carole. I went to work today, I wasn't feeling that bad, and I survived better than I had thought. The cold or something is still there, but just vaguely, in the background... I will try to rest all the weekend, and hope it goes away. :x:

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Re: 2016 Cross Stitchers Ward

Post by Midge »

Oh Agi. I hope you perk up soon. Lots of love xx
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Re: 2016 Cross Stitchers Ward

Post by kandifloss »

Hope everyone in this ward will soon be feeling better. :) Keep stitching if you can as I am sure it will help :)

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Re: 2016 Cross Stitchers Ward

Post by mysterystitcher »

I've been sailing through the door thanks to the stomach pain (gas problem) and some other, rheuma related issues. Like when I came here like a whirlwind on Thurs, it was because I had something wrong with my tail bone. It hurt like crazy! The pain killer I took...It made walking a bit easier, but didn't take the pain completely away. Well, at least I got back here. And thanks for the lovely cake you made and spiced it with chocolate. You've no idea, how much it means to me.
Agi: I can't even imagine, how you must feel. The pain must be unbearable. I can't but feel for you. :hug:
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Re: 2016 Cross Stitchers Ward

Post by Lulu22 »

Thought I'd drop in for a cuppa :tea: I hope everyone on here is feeling better.
I had a light general anaesthetic yesterday afternoon and two steroid injections in both hip joints, i got put out so the surgeon could move my hips about into different positions to see what they do.
He came round to see me after which was lovely though he told me I am a puzzling case, he doesn't want to do the surgery he had in mind because in some positions my hip angles are normal and in some they aren't, he doesn't want to correct the abnormal angles because it might make the good angles abnormal goodness me!!
I'm going back in 8 weeks in the meantime he's getting a software program from Holland to get a complete virtual 360 degree view of my hips and see what they do in different positions, i might need to be referred to one of his colleagues who could work with my awkward hips, but if not I could be facing Hip Replacements I will be disappointed if it comes to that as I'm a bit young for it so its fingers crossed, in the meantime I,m not going back to work until the end of next week so i'll be putting a few cross stitches in :)
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Re: 2016 Cross Stitchers Ward

Post by wendywombat »

It sounds as though you're getting really caring treatment. Many of the surgeons I knew when I was nursing welcomed the non-standard cases. It gave them the opportunity for more research and develop new skills. Your surgeon must be really caring. :D

It may take a bit more time before you finally have the full treatment but it will be worth the wait I'm sure. :hug:
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Re: 2016 Cross Stitchers Ward

Post by rcperryls »

It does sound like you have a surgeon who cares about providing the best treatment. My daughter had hip replacement surgery nearly nearly 20 years ago (due to congenital issues) when she was in her early 30's. The difference was amazing. Hopefully you won't need that surgery, but if it comes to that I have never known anyone to regret having it done. Right now, take the time to recover from yesterday and enjoy your stitching!

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Re: 2016 Cross Stitchers Ward

Post by Mabel Figworthy »

Glad to hear they are taking care and attention over your hip!
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Re: 2016 Cross Stitchers Ward

Post by Lulu22 »

Thank you so much for your replies. Wendy the NHS is fabulous all the staff are amazing, I'm currently having physio at Weston General with a fantastic therapist who has helped my back issue's and corrected my walking so I no longer have bursitis, and he's keeping me at his gym to strengthen my muscles to prepare for any surgery I have.
I'm also under the BRI with a fantastic new surgeon who is doing his up most to prevent me having hip replacements, I truly know that if it that happens they would have done everything they could to find an alternative.
We are so lucky to have our health institution in the UK all the staff deserve a pay rise and medals for the care they give.

Carole its good to hear positive things about Hip Replacements it makes me feel a bit better about it all, I know some people put it off for as long as possible but my issue's have been going on for over two years and each time I have steroids the pain comes back worse than before and I have to restrict my activities and sometimes stop work its not good for the bank balance! So its the right time for me to have something done about it!
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Re: 2016 Cross Stitchers Ward

Post by kandifloss »

Glad you are getting great help from NHS. hope your health problems will soon be sorted out & you start feeling better.

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